November/December 2000
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Editor(s): Andrew Seaman
Price: 2.25
Pages: 24, A4
Cover: Sean Russell Friend
Notes: #146
Andrew Seaman
News uncredited
Media News Gary Wilkinson
I Want My DVD (Stuart Little) Gary S. Dalkin
Books Janet Barron
Pulpitations (2000AD; Nuketown) Glenda Pringle
Limits of Humanity Stephen Baxter
BSFA Awards Chris Hill
Alphane Moon: Fanzines Greg Pickersgill
Club Corner uncredited
Forthcoming Conventions & Events uncredited
JO's Timewasters (Competition 146;
results of 144, 145) John Ollis
Mail Order Catalogues uncredited
Film & Media Reviews
'X' Marks the Spot? (X-Men) Gary Wilkinson
This is awesome! Are we gonna fly
through space, fighting
monsters, and teaching alien
women to lurve? (Futurama) Gary Wilkinson
Sex and Violence and Flesh and Blood
(Hollow Man) Gary Wilkinson
Eligibility extended for 'Best
Novel' Hugo Award Claire Brialey
Keith Roberts 1935-2000 Paul Kincaid
Lexicon: 18-20th August 2000 Claire Brialey
Big Engine Time Ben Jeapes
Editor's Comments on Books Andrew Seaman
Club Focus: Walsall SF Group Stuart Williams
If you have any comments on, or corrections to, the information on this page, then please mail
Michael J. Cross.
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