
November/December 2002

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Editor(s):  Mark Greener and Martin McGrath
Price:      2.25
Pages:      24, A4
Cover:      Colin Smith
Notes:      #158

    Welcome,                            Mark Greener and
                                        Martin McGrath

    Rage Against the... new 
          Respectability of Science 
          fiction                       Mark Greener
    News                                Mark Greener and
                                        Simon Morden and
                                        Roderick Gladwish
    Flickers (Film/TV News)             Martin McGrath
    Resonances: When unicorns walked the
          earth                         Stephen Baxter
    An Ironing Board on a Duck Pond: 
          Present and Correct           Martin Sketchley
    BSFA Awards                         Tanya Brown
    Event Horizon (Conventions)         Gary Wilkinson
    Get out more! (Groups)              Gary Wilkinson
    Competition 158; Results of M157, 
          M156, Mega 2000AD, UFO, The 
          Protectors                    John Ollis
    The Stone Tape DVD Competition      uncredited
    Incredible Pulps (Interzone Sept 
          2002; F&SF Oct/Nov 2002; The 
          Fix Number 4; Roadworks Issue 
          13; Spectrum SF Issue 8; 
          Albedo One Issue 25; Cemetary 
          Dance Issue 39; Ambit Isseu 
          169; The Third Alternative 
          Issue 31)                     Martin McGrath and
                                        Mark Greener

Film & Media Reviews
    Disney has them in stitches! (Lilo 
          and Stitch)                   Martin McGrath
    Tapes from the Crypt: Rocketship X-
          M                             Martin McGrath
    In space, everybody can hear you 
          giggle (Crazy Dog Audio 
          Theatre's Big, Big Space)     Simon Morden
    Unlucky for some (The Thirteenth 
          Floor)                        Martin Lewis
    Nightwish: Massive in Finland 
          (Century's Child)             Mark Greener
    World to end soon, says giant rabbit
          (Donnie Darko)                Martin McGrath
    Lynch's Drive into the unknown 
          (Mulholland Drive DVD)        Gary Wilkinson

    Welcome to the new kid on the block Liz Holliday
        by Mark Greener

    Enough chat! Is it any good? (3SF)  Mark Greener

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, the information on this page, then please mail Michael J. Cross.

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