
December/January 1981

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Editor(s):  Graham James and Linda Strickler
Pages:      34, A4
Cover:      John Harvey
Notes:      #39

                                        Graham James and
                                        Linda James

    Convention News                     Graham James
    Bestsellers                         Rog Peyton
    Forthcoming Books                   Joseph Nicholas
    Media News                          Roy Macinski
    Film & TV News                      Simon Bostock
    Other News                          Graham James
    Deep Cuts                           Simon Ounsley
    Life on Mars                        Steve Green
    Competition M37                     David Langford
    Competition M38                     Nik Morton

                                        Chuck Connor
                                        Roger Waddington
                                        John Bark
                                        Iain R. Byers
                                        Jon Wallace
                                        Paul Kincaid
                                        William Bains
                                        Simon Bostock
                                        Keith Walker
                                        Andy Sawyer
                                        Eve Harvey
                                        R. Nicholson-Morton
                                        James Parker
                                        John Brunner
                                        Mark Waterman
                                        David C. Holmes
                                        Steven J. Green
                                        Simon Bostock
                                        David Pringle
                                        John A. Hobson
                                        John Brunner

Film & Media Reviews
    Les Loupes de Londres: Angela Carter
          reading "The Company of 
          Wolves"                       Martyn Taylor
    An American Werewolf in Paris       Hussain R. Mohamed
    Outland                             Martyn Taylor
    Not Really the Sci-Fi Image Part Two
          (A Better Read)               Michael Ashley

Comic Strip
    Jim Barker Confesses                Jim Barker
    The Tavern at the End of Time       Kevin Clarke and
                                        Steve Green

                                        D. West
                                        Ashley Walker

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, the information on this page, then please mail Michael J. Cross.

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