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Quicksilver Messenger Service: For Speedy Relief Of Tedium, TeenSet July 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service: From Out of the West..., TeenSet September 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service, Discoscene (of Southern Maryland) August 1968
Quicksilver Does A Quick Change, Circus March 1970
Brinsley Schwarz (Fillmore East, April 14, 1970, with Van Morrison, QMS), ZigZag 12
Quicksilver Messenger Service, ZigZag 12
Quicksilver Is In It Just For Love, Circus December 1970
Quicksilver Messenger Service, ZigZag 22
Copperhead - Cashing in Chips, Fat Angel 10
Flying with the Starship - David Freiberg, International Musician & Recording World May 1978, Volume 4 Issue 5 (UK)
The End of the Line for Quicksilver Messenger Service, ZigZag 26
John Cipollina, Guitar Player January/February 1973
Copperhead - The World's Most Benign Carnivore, Supersnazz 1
Triggers Ahoy!, NME June 7, 1975
Man of Darkness, Melody Maker 4 October 1975
Happy Trails, Melody Maker ? 1975
Quicksilver - Cowboys and Indians in Marin County, ZigZag 38
John Cipollina in Quicksilver Messenger Service - Part Two: Did They Fall or Were They Pushed?, ZigZag 41
All-Stars Dipped in Gravy, BAM December 1977
John Cipollina in the 70's, ZigZag 52
John Cipollina, Hot Wacks 8
The Resurfacing of Quicksilver 1975, ZigZag 57
"With a Cast of Thousands..." - Terry and the Pirates, Dark Star 19
John, Nick, The Pirates, Il Mucchio Selvaggio 26 etc
"A Wake for Winterland" - Grateful Dead, Dark Star 19
The Dinosaurs, Relix October 1983
Nicksilver, Relix February 1984
Thunder & Lightning, Relix June 1984
Terry and The Pirates, Relix October 1984
John Cipollina 1943 - 89, Bucketfull of Brains 30
John Cipollina Remembered, Relix August 1989
Bay Area Bits: Johnny Was A Rocker, Relix August 1989
John Cipollina: The Life and Death of San Francisco's Most Prolific Guitarist, Goldmine November 3 1989
Zero, Relix October 1994


The John Cipollina Story, Part 1, Relix Vol. 14 #3
The John Cipollina Story, Part 2: Early Quicksilver Days, Relix Vol. 14 #5
The John Cipollina Story, Part 3: The Rise and Fall, and Rise, and Fall of Quicksilver Messenger Service, Relix Vol. 15 #1
The John Cipollina Story, Part 4: Guitarist Without Portfolio, Relix Vol. 15 #3
John Cipollina: An Interview, Goldmine November 3 1989
Quicksilver 1989: An Interview with Gary Duncan and David Freiberg, Relix June 1989
The John Cipollina Interview, Ptolemaic Terrascope Winter 1990/91
Pete Sears on Chippo, The Welsh Connection Apr-May 2003


Nick GravenitesBlue StarDark Star 25
Nick Gravenites and Animal MindDon't Feed The AnimalsRelix October 1994
ManMaximum DarknessMelody Maker October 11, 1975
Maximum DarknessNew Musical Express September 27, 1975
Maximum DarknessSounds October?, 1975
Maximum DarknessZigZag 56
Quicksilver Messenger ServiceSolid SilverZigZag 57
John Cipollina's RavenRavenDark Star 25
Terry & the PiratesThe Doubtful HandshakeDark Star 25
The Doubtful HandshakeMelody Maker ?ember 1, 1980
Too Close For ComfortMelody Maker ?ember 1, 1980


Presented by Savage Pencil and Sharon Gal
with guest Nigel Cross
Resonance 104.4 FM, UK 19th August 2003

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Last updated: 25-Mar-2020