Avril A. Brown


  Internut Exploiter 
     Matrix, Jan 2000
     Matrix, Mar 2000
     Matrix, May 2000
     Matrix, Sep 2000
     Matrix, Jan 2000
     Matrix, Mar 2000
     Matrix, May 2000
     Matrix, Sep 2000

Book Reviews

  A Civil Campaign  - Lois McMaster Bujold
     Vector, Sep 2000
  Communion Blood  - Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
     Vector, Mar 2000
  Etruscans: Whom the Gods Love  - Morgan LlywelynMichael Scott
     Vector, Jul 2000
  The Last Hot Time  - John M. Ford
     Vector, Mar 2002

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.