Brian Daley

Books Reviewed

  The Doomfarers of Coramonde 
     Paperback Parlour, Oct 1977 by Philippa Grove-Stephensen
  Fall of the White Ship Avatar 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1990 by Lynne Bispham
  Han Solo at Star's End 
     Paperback Parlour, Feb 1980 by Joseph Nicholas
  Han Solo's Revenge 
     Paperback Parlour, Feb 1980 by Joseph Nicholas
  Jinx on a Terran Inheritance 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1990 by Lynne Bispham
  Star Wars: The Original Radio Drama 
     Vector, Sep 1995 by Jon Wallace

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.