BSFA Yearbook,  1977

Editor(s): Dave Lewis  Tom Jones  Keith Freeman  Chris Fowler 
Pages: 60, A5
Price: ?p
Notes: #1

  Introduction (to SF Yearbook 1977) - David V. Lewis 
  Poetry & Art - Alison Lowe 
  Books - Phil Stephensen-Payne 
  Fandom - Rob Jackson 
  Fanzines - D. West 
  Films - Graham R. Poole 
  Television - Ian Garbutt 
  Wargames - Hartley Patterson 
  The Magazines - Roger Waddington 
  The Writer's Year - Bob Shaw 
  The Artist's Year - Paul Dillon 
  Vital Statistics - uncredited 

   - Paul Dillon 
   - Jim Barker 
   - Harry Bell 
   - Terry Jeeves 
   - Carol Gregory 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.