Vector, Spring 1959

Editor(s): Terry Jeeves 
Pages: 38, quarto
Price: ?p
Notes: #4

   - Terry Jeeves 

  The Perfect Answer - Fred Burd 

  Convention Report - Eric Jones  Frank Herbert  Keith Freeman 
  The London Planetarium - Dr H. C. King 
  Review of Amazing Mar 59, Astounding Mar 59 & April 59, Galaxy April 59 - Terry Jeeves 
  The B.S.F.A. Library - Peter Mabey 
  Last Stage Reflectorsman (Reprint from Operation Fantast 1950) - Terry Jeeves 

  File 13 - Eric Bentcliffe 
  File 13 1/2 - Arthur D. Weir 
  The Bloke in the Corner - Laurence Sandfield 
  Treasurer's Report - A. H. Mercer 
  New Members/CoA's - uncredited 

   - Laurence Sandfield 
   - James Groves 
   - Jim Cawthorn 
   - Ethel Lindsay 
   - Peter Singleton 

Book Reviews by Arthur D. Weir
  Expedition to Earth - Arthur C. Clarke 
  The Power - Frank M. Robinson 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.