Vector, July 1967

Editor(s): Phil Muldowney 
Pages: 32, quarto
Price: ?p
Notes: #45

   - Phil Muldowney 

  Will 21st Century Children Be Allowed To Live? - Audrey Walton 
  Considering How To Run: An Examination of Michael Moorcock's Editorial Pronouncements - Tony Sudbery 
  In Defence of 'Davy' - Tom Jones 
  In Defence of Morgan - Dan Morgan 

  Behind the Scenes (as by Malcolm Edwards) - Peter Weston 
  The Harrison Letter - Harry Harrison 

   - Archie Mercer 
   - Vic Hallett  Roje Gilbert 
   - Tom Jones 

Book Reviews by Dan Morgan
  The Wanderer - Fritz Leiber 

Book Reviews by Tony Sudbery
  Nebula Award Stories 1 (Edited) - Damon Knight 

Book Reviews by Bryn Fortey
  Babel-17 - Samuel R. Delany 
  The Einstein Intersection - Samuel R. Delany 

Book Reviews by Phil Muldowney
  A Plague of Demons - Keith Laumer 
  New Worlds 173 (Edited) - Michael Moorcock 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.