The Dime Bot List Database

The Site

DIME ( is a BitTorrent tracker for audio and video recordings of independent origin (ROIO) which have not been officially released, by artists who are happy for such recordings to be made available to fans.

The List

The Dime Bot List is DIME's mailing list for automated announcements of new torrents, torrent removal/deletions, and torrent bans.

The Database

The Dime Bot List Database is a SQLite database containing all the messages posted to the Dime Bot List since 2005. At the start of each month, I:

  1. add the previous month's messages (3,000 - 4,000) to the database,
  2. upload the new version of the database to cloud storage,
  3. post an announcement message with the static URL to a thread on DIME.

It currently contains 1,526,625 messgegs.

Using The Database

The database is made available without any software that will access the contents. To use the database, you need a third party application that is designed to view SQLite databases, such as:

NB Other such applications may be available. I have only used DB Browser for SQLite.

Click on the image for full size view.

D Browser for SQLite screenshot