February, 2024

DatePost TitleAuthorWorkSeries
Mon Feb 5: Jo Walton's Reading List: January 2024 [Post] [Reading List]
Mon Feb 5: RL Entry: George Eliot's Middlemarch (1871) [Post] [George Eliot] [Middlemarch] [RLE]
Mon Feb 5: RL Entry: Geoffrey O'Brien's Bartlett's Poems for Occasions (2007) (edited by) [Post] [Geoffrey O'Brien] [Bartlett's Poems for Occasions] [RLE]
Mon Feb 5: RL Entry: Kate Elliott's Furious Heaven (2023) [Post] [Kate Elliott] [Furious Heaven] [RLE]
Mon Feb 5: RL Entry: Anne de Courcy's Margot at War: Love and Betrayal in Downing Street, 1912-1916 (2014) [Post] [Anne de Courcy] [Margot at War: Love and Betrayal in Downing Street, 1912-1916] [RLE]
Mon Feb 5: RL Entry: Alexander Manzoni's I Promessi Sposi (The Betrothed) (1827) [Post] [Alexander Manzoni] [I Promessi Sposi (The Betrothed)] [RLE]
Mon Feb 5: RL Entry: Miklos Banffy's The Monkey and Other Stories (trans. 2021) (1947) [Post] [Miklos Banffy] [The Monkey and Other Stories (trans. 2021)] [RLE]
Mon Feb 5: RL Entry: Lois McMaster Bujold's Demon Daughter (2024) [Post] [Lois McMaster Bujold] [Demon Daughter] [RLE]

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.