
June 1972

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Editor(s):  Malcolm Edwards
Price:      30p
Pages:      40, A5
Cover:      Andrew Stephenson
Notes:      #60

    Lead-In                             Malcolm Edwards

    Through a Glass Darkly (1972 Swedish
          SF Con GoH Speech)            John Brunner
    Chester Song at Twilight (from Our 
          Man at the Convention)        Peter Roberts
    The Frenzied Living Thing: Kobo 
          Abe's Future                  Bruce Gillespie
    Edward John Carnell 1919 - 1972     Harry Harrison
    Edward John Carnell 1919 - 1972     Dan Morgan
    Edward John Carnell 1919 - 1972     Ted Tubb
    Edward John Carnell 1919 - 1972     Brian W. Aldiss

    Science Fiction and the Cinema 
          (Fahrenheit 451; The Omega 
          Man)                          Philip Strick
    The Fannish Inquisition (Antares 
          News 1; Macrocosm 2; Mota 4)  Peter Roberts
    News Department                     Archie Mercer

                                        Dan Morgan
    Lem;Rottensteiner                   Bruce Gillespie
                                        Roger Waddington

Comic Strip
    Victor                              Andrew Stephenson

                                        Andrew Stephenson
                                        Dave Rowe

Book Reviews by Terry Crooks
    Downward to the Earth               Robert Silverberg
    Son of Man                          Robert Silverberg

Book Reviews by Malcolm Edwards
    Mutant 59 - The Plastic Eater       Kit Pedler and
                                        Gerry Davis

Book Reviews by John Bowles
    Science Against Man (Ed)            Anthony Cheetham

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, the information on this page, then please mail Michael J. Cross.

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