Vector: The Critical Journal of the B.S.F.A.

Vector is a bi-monthly publication of the BSFA, and contains articles, interviews, book reviews, and letters of comment. For more information, visit the magazine's web site at

The links below lead to specific issues of Vector.

Some issues are missing details of cover artist, page count and price. These will be added real soon now.

[Vector Index by Issue Date]

2011: [#265]
2010: [#262] [#263] [#264]
2009: [#259] [#260] [#261]
2008: [#255] [#256] [#257] [#258]
2007: [#251] [#252] [#253] [#254]
2006: [#245] [#246] [#247] [#248] [#249] [#250]
2005: [#239] [#240] [#241] [#242] [#243] [#244]
2004: [#233] [#234] [#235] [#236] [#237] [#238]
2003: [#227] [#228] [#229] [#230] [#231] [#232]
2002: [#221] [#222] [#223] [#224] [#225] [#226]
2001: [#215] [#216] [#217] [#218] [#219] [#220]
2000: [#209] [#210] [#211] [#212] [#213] [#214]
1999: [#203] [#204] [#205] [#206] [#207] [#208]
1998: [#197] [#198] [#199] [#200] [#201] [#202]
1997: [#191] [#192] [#193] [#194] [#195] [#196]
1996: [#187] [#188] [#189] [#190]
1995: [#182] [#183] [#184] [#185] [#186]
1994: [#177] [#178] [#179] [#180] [#181]
1993: [#171] [#172] [#173] [#174] [#175] [#176]
1992: [#165] [#166] [#167] [#168] [#169] [#170]
1991: [#159] [#160] [#161] [#162] [#163] [#164]
1990: [#154] [#155] [#156] [#157] [#158]
1989: [#148] [#149] [#150] [#151] [#152] [#153]
1988: [#142] [#143] [#144] [#145] [#146] [#147]
1987: [#136] [#137] [#138] [#139] [#140] [#141]
1986: [#130] [#131] [#132] [#133] [#134] [#135]
1985: [#124/5] [#126] [#127] [#128] [#129]
1984: [#118] [#119] [#120] [#121] [#122] [#123]
1983: [#112] [#113] [#114] [#115] [#116] [#117]
1982: [#106] [#107] [#108] [#109] [#110] [#111]
1981: [#101] [#102] [#103] [#104] [#105]
1980: [#97] [#98] [#99] [#100]
1979: [#91] [#92] [#93] [#94] [#95] [#96]
1978: [#85] [#86] [#87] [#88] [#89] [#90]
1977: [#79] [#80] [#81] [#82] [#83] [#84]
1976: [#72] [#73/74] [#75] [#76/77] [#78]
1975: [#69] [#70] [#71]
1974: [#67/68]
1973: [#63] [#64] [#65] [#66]
1972: [#59] [#60] [#61] [#62]
1971: [#57] [#58]
1970: [#55] [#56]
1969: [#52] [#53] [#54]
1968: [#48] [#49] [#50] [#51]
1967: [#42] [#43] [#44] [#45] [#46] [#47]
1966: [#37] [#38] [#39] [#40] [#41]
1965: [#30] [#31] [#32] [#33] [#34] [#35] [#36]
1964: [#24] [#25] [#26] [#27] [#28] [#29]
1963: [#19] [#20] [#21] [#22] [#23]
1962: [#15] [#16] [#17] [#18]
1961: [#11] [#12] [#13] [#14]
1960: [#6] [#7] [#8] [#9] [#10]
1959: [#4] [#5]
1958: [#1] [#2] [#3]

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If you have any comments on, or corrections to, the information on this page, then please mail Michael J. Cross.
This page last updated on Wednesday, 23-Mar-11.