Paperback Inferno

Paperback Parlour / Inferno was a bi-monthly publication of the BSFA, and contained reviews of British paperback SF.

The first eighteen issues were published under the title Paperback Parlour. After issue #97, Paperback Inferno was incorporated into Vector.

The links below lead to specific issues of the magazine.

[Paperback Inferno Index by Issue Date]

1992: [#94] [#95] [#96] [#97]
1991: [#88] [#89] [#90] [#91] [#92] [#93]
1990: [#82] [#83] [#84] [#85] [#86] [#87]
1989: [#76] [#77] [#78] [#79] [#80] [#81]
1988: [#70] [#71] [#72] [#73] [#74] [#75]
1987: [#64] [#65] [#66] [#67] [#68] [#69]
1986: [#58] [#59] [#60] [#61] [#62] [#63]
1985: [#52] [#53] [#54] [#55] [#56] [#57]
1984: [#46] [#47] [#47] [#49] [#50] [#51]
1983: [#36] [#37] [#38] [#39] [#44] [#45]
1982: [#30] [#31] [#32] [#33] [#34] [#35]
1981: [#24] [#25] [#26] [#27] [#28] [#29]
1980: [#19] [#20] [#21] [#22] [#23]

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If you have any comments on, or corrections to, the information on this page, then please mail Michael J. Cross.
This page last updated on Sunday, 14-Mar-99.