David Garnett


  The Making of "Mirror in the Sky" or It might as well rain until September 
     Focus, Aut 1980
  Milford 1982 - The Truth 
     Focus, Spr 1983
  The Morning After the Year Before 
     Vector, Oct 1988
  The New World's _New Worlds_ 
     Vector, Jul 1997
  You Blankety Swine...! How Not to Write a Novel 
     Vector, Jun 1988


     Vector, Jun 1986
     Vector, Dec 1985

Book Reviews

  The Stealer of Souls  - Michael Moorcock
     Vector, Sum 1969
  Stormbringer  - Michael Moorcock
     Vector, Sum 1969

Books Reviewed

  New Worlds (Edited) 
     Vector, May 1998 by Janet Barron
  New Worlds 1 (Edited) 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1991 by Brendan Wignall
  New Worlds 3 (Edited) 
     Vector, Dec 1993 by Ian Sales
  Space Wasters 
     Vector, Jul 2001 by Lesley Hatch
     Vector, Spr 1995 by John D. Owen

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.