Roelof Goudriaan


  Here Once the Sea has Guzzled: A look at Fandom in the Netherlands 
     Matrix, Apr 1981
     Matrix, Apr 1981


     Matrix, Aug 1980
     Matrix, Feb 1981
     Matrix, Aug 1980
     Matrix, Feb 1981
     Matrix, Dec 1982
     Matrix, Dec 1982

Book Reviews

  The Entropy Tango  - Michael Moorcock
     Vector, Apr 1982
  A Secret History of Time To Come  - Robie Macauley
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1983
  Voyagers  - Ben Bova
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1983
  Worlds  - Joe Haldeman
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1983

Books Reviewed

  Emerald Eye - The Best in Irish Imaginative Fiction (Edited)  with Frank Ludlow 
     Vector, Jan 2006 by Martin McGrath

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.