Scott T. Merrifield


  'Niggers, all of them...': Revisiting the Racial Ideology of Robert E. Howard 
     Vector, May 2001
  '[T]he Mad Faceless God...': Calvinist and Anti-Catholic Discourse in the Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft 
     Vector, May 2002

Book Reviews

  Gridlinked  - Neal Asher
     Vector, Jul 2001
  Hidden Empire: The Saga of the Seven Suns  - Kevin J. Anderson
     Vector, Jan 2003
  Iris  - William BartonMichael Capobianco
     Vector, Mar 2000
  Iron Shadows  - Stephen Barnes
     Vector, Jul 2000
  Things Unborn  - Eugene Byrne
     Vector, Jan 2002

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.