Diana L. Paxson

Books Reviewed

  Ancestors of Avalon  with Marion Zimmer Bradley 
     Vector, Jan 2005 by Cherith Baldry
  The Book of the Cauldron 
     Vector, Mar 2000 by Cherith Baldry
  The Book of the Spear 
     Vector, Sep 1999 by Cherith Baldry
  Lady of Light 
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1983 by Judith Hanna
  Lord of Horses 
     Vector, May 1997 by Janet Barron
  The Sea Star 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1991 by Martyn Taylor
  The Shield Between the Worlds  with Adrienne Martine-Barnes 
     Vector, Sum 1995 by Susan Badham
     Vector, Jun 1994 by Lynne Bispham
  The White Raven 
     Vector, Apr 1989 by Jessica Yates
  The Wind Crystal 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1992 by Sue Thomason

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.