William Shatner

Books Reviewed

  I'm Working On That: A Trek from Science Fiction To Science Fact  with Chip Walter 
     Vector, Jan 2003 by Leslie Hatch
  Star Trek Movie Memories  with Chris Kreski 
     Vector, Spr 1995 by Lynne Bispham
  Tek Lab 
     Vector, Aug 1993 by Stephen Tew
  Tek Money 
     Vector, Mar 1997 by Jon Wallace
  Tek Vengeance 
     Vector, Jun 1994 by Sue Thomason
     Vector, Aug 1993 by Susan Badham
     Vector, Oct 1991 by Martyn Taylor
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1992 by Graham Andrews
     Vector, Apr 1991 by Terry Broome
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1991 by Graham Andrews

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.