H. G. Wells

Books Reviewed

  The First Men in the Moon 
     Vector, Sep 1964 by W. T. Webb
  The Food of the Gods 
     Paperback Parlour, Dec 1977 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  In the Days of the Comet 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1985 by Andy Sawyer
     Vector, Feb 1986 by Jim England
     Paperback Parlour, Apr 1978 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  The Invisible Man 
     Vector, Feb 1996 by Stephen Baxter
  Men Like Gods 
     Paperback Parlour, Dec 1977 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  A Story of the Days To Come 
     Vector, Aug 1976 by Brian Stableford
  The World Set Free 
     Vector Review Supplement, Feb 1977 by Brian Stableford

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.