Ian Whates


    with Del Lakin-Smith  & Kim Lakin-Smith 
     Matrix, Nov 2007
     Matrix, Nov 2007


  50 years and Counting 
     Matrix, Nov 2007
     Matrix, Nov 2007
  That Was the Year That Was 
     Vector, Win 2010


  Solaris  - George Mann
     Matrix, Nov 2007George Mann
     Matrix, Nov 2007

Book Reviews

  Stalking the Vampire  - Mike Resnick
     Vector, Spr 2009

Books Reviewed

  Conflicts (Edited) 
     Vector, Aut 2010 by Ben Jeapes
  Myth-Understandings (Edited) 
     Vector, Win 2008 by Donna Scott
  The Noise Within 
     Vector, Win 2011 by Stuart Carter
  Time Pieces (Edited) 
     Vector, Jul 2007 by Steve Jeffery

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.