  Torque Control - Niall Harrison 

  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Graham Andrews 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Paul Bateman 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Lynne Bispham 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Tanya Brown 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Nic Clarke 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Mark Connorton 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Gary S. Dalkin 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Mark Harding 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Niall Harrison 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Penny Hill 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Steve Jeffery 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Tony Keen 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Paul Kincaid 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Martin Lewis 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Anthony Nanson 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Martin Potts 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Paul Graham Raven 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Adam Roberts 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Dave M. Roberts 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Myfanwy Rodman 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Kari Sperring 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Jim Steel 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Martyn Taylor 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Sandra Unerman 
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll - Anne F. Wilson 
  You Sound Like You're Having Fun Already: The SF Films of 2008 - Colin Odell  Mitch Le Blanc 

  Progressive Scan: 2008 TV in Review - Abigail Nussbaum 
  Foundation Favourites: The Ambassador, by Edwina Currie - Andy Sawyer 
  Resonances: Column #54 - Stephen Baxter 
  The New X: Edge Detector - Graham Sleight 

  Celebrating 30 Years of Luther Arkwright - Bryan Talbot  by James Bacon

  Jeapes;Heinlein - Farah Mendlesohn 
  McCalmont;physics - Bob Ardler 
  Reply to Bob Ardler - Jonathan McCalmont 
  Hurst;SFWA Hall of Fame - Rich Horton 
  Reply to Rich Horton - L. J. Hurst 

Book Reviews by Graham Andrews
  Ersatz Wines: Instructive Short Stories - Christopher Priest 

Book Reviews by James Bacon
  Watching the Watchmen - Dave Gibbons  Chip Kidd  Mike Essel 

Book Reviews by Lynne Bispham
  Red Gloves - Beth Vaughan 

Book Reviews by Tanya Brown
  The Company - K. J. Parker 

Book Reviews by A. P. Canavan
  H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life - Michel Houlleberg 

Book Reviews by Mark Connorton
  Inferno - Larry Niven  Jerry Pournelle 

Book Reviews by Shaun C. Green
  Something Wicked This Way Comes - Ray Bradbury 

Book Reviews by Mark Harding
  EX-KOP - Warren Hammond 

Book Reviews by Niall Harrison
  Rhetorics of Fantasy - Farah Mendlesohn 

Book Reviews by Penny Hill
  The Two Pearls of Wisdom - Alison Goodman 

Book Reviews by Martin Lewis
  Subtle Edens (Edited) - Allen Ashley 

Book Reviews by Martin McGrath
  Tau #4 - V. J. Waks 

Book Reviews by Anthony Nanson
  Fast Forward 2 (Edited) - Lou Anders 

Book Reviews by George Newberry
  Harm - Brian Aldss 

Book Reviews by Paul Raven
  Singularity's Ring - Paul Melko 
  Walls of the Universe - Paul Melko 

Book Reviews by Kari Sperring
  Dragon in Chains - Daniel Fox 

Book Reviews by Martyn Taylor
  Seeds of Earth - Michael Cobley 

Book Reviews by Sandra Unerman
  The Ghost Quartet (Edited) - Marvin Kaye 

Book Reviews by Ian Whates
  Stalking the Vampire - Mike Resnick 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.