Paul Kincaid


  'The Discharge' by Christopher Priest: An Appreciation 
     Vector, Jan 2006
  ... a million Clutes screaming 'Haecceity!'...  with Edward James  & Adam Roberts  & Tony Keen  & Graham Sleight  & Martin McGrath  & Andrew M. Butler  & Colin Harris  & Jonathan McCalmont  & Ian Snell  & Paul Raven  & Martin Lewis  & Liz Batty  & Farah Mendlesohn 
     Vector, Jan 2007
  1- 150 
     Vector, Jun 1989
  1984 Books of the Year 
     Vector, Apr 1985
  1990: The Five Best Books 
     Vector, Jun 1991
  2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll 
     Vector, Spr 2009
  2010 Vector Reviewers' Poll 
     Vector, Win 2010
  A. E. van Vogt (1912 - 2000) 
     Matrix, Mar 2000
     Matrix, Mar 2000
  Aliens: A Personal View 
     Vector, Oct 1979
  Anatomising Science Fiction 
     Vector, Jun 1993
  The Art of Reading a Review 
     Focus, Jun 1993
  Barbed Wire Kisses (Amazing Oct 1992; Asimov's Oct, Nov 1992; F&SF October/November 1992) 
     Vector, Dec 1992
  Barbed Wire Kisses: Crisis of Reality (Nexus 3; Quantum 43/44; Science Fiction Eye 12; Sirius 1; Territories 3; Extrapolation 34; Science Fiction Studies 61) 
     Vector, Feb 1994
  Beccon - The Eastercon 
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1987
  The Best Books of 2007 
     Vector, Spr 2008
  Best of 1988: Reviewers' Choice 
     Vector, Feb 1989
  The Best of British II: The 1960s  with Andrew M. Butler  & Colin Greenland 
     Vector, Mar 2000
  The Best of British III: The 1970s  with Andrew M. Butler  & Chris Hill 
     Vector, May 2000
  The Best of British IV: The 1980s and 1990s  with Andrew M. Butler  & Tanya Brown  & Paul Billinger  & Maureen Kincaid Speller 
     Vector, Jul 2000
  Books of the Year 
     Vector, Mar 1999
  Books of the Year - 1995 
     Vector, Aug 1996
  Books of the Year - 1996 
     Vector, May 1997
  Books of the Year - 1997 
     Vector, May 1998
  Books of the Year - 1999 
     Vector, Mar 2000
  Books of the Year - 2001 
     Vector, Mar 2002
  Books of the Year - 2002 
     Vector, Mar 2003
  Books of the Year 1985 
     Vector, Feb 1986
  Books of the Year 1994 
     Vector, Jul 1995
  Books of the Year: 1989 
     Vector, Apr 1990
  Books of the Year: 2004 
     Vector, Mar 2005
  Bookspotting: _The Hard SF Renaissance_ 
     Vector, May 2004
  British SF: An Obituary 
     Vector, Dec 1993
  Broken Bubbles: Philip K. Dick from Mainstream to SF 
     Vector, Dec 1989
  The BSFA Profile: Paul Kincaid 
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Dec 1986
  Co-ordinator's Report 
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1987
  Cognitive Mapping, 10: Death 
     Vector, Sep 1997
  Cognitive Mapping, 11: Modernism 
     Vector, Nov 1997
  Cognitive Mapping, 12: Clouds 
     Vector, Jan 1998
  Cognitive Mapping, 13: Humanity 
     Vector, Mar 1998
  Cognitive Mapping, 14: Exogamy 
     Vector, Nov 1998
  Cognitive Mapping, 15: Transformation 
     Vector, Jan 1999
  Cognitive Mapping, 16: Conformity 
     Vector, May 1999
  Cognitive Mapping, 17: Backwards 
     Vector, Sep 1999
  Cognitive Mapping, 18: Scientists 
     Vector, May 2000
  Cognitive Mapping, 19: Gormenghast 
     Vector, Sep 2000
  Cognitive Mapping, 1: Alternate History 
     Vector, Dec 1995
  Cognitive Mapping, 20: Mars 
     Vector, Nov 2000
  Cognitive Mapping, 21: God 
     Vector, May 2001
  Cognitive Mapping, 22: Manifest Destiny 
     Vector, Jul 2001
  Cognitive Mapping, 23: Postmodernism 
     Vector, Sep 2001
  Cognitive Mapping, 2: Language 
     Vector, Feb 1996
  Cognitive Mapping, 3: Aliens 
     Vector, Aug 1996
  Cognitive Mapping, 4: Islands 
     Vector, Sep 1996
  Cognitive Mapping, 5: Space 
     Vector, Nov 1996
  Cognitive Mapping, 6: Magic Realism 
     Vector, Jan 1997
  Cognitive Mapping, 7: Invisibility 
     Vector, Mar 1997
  Cognitive Mapping, 8: Violence 
     Vector, May 1997
  Cognitive Mapping, 9: Transhumanity 
     Vector, Jul 1997
  Cognitive Mapping: The End 
     Vector, Nov 2005
  Comparisons Are Odious (Interzone #85, #86, #87; Tomorrow #7; Pulphouse #16; Science Fiction Age v2n5; Back Brain Recluse #22) 
     Vector, Aug 1994
  Competition Corner Quiz  with John Fairey 
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
  Conspiracy '87 
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
  The Death of Science Fiction 
     Vector, Dec 1981
  Elegy: The Collected Stories by Arthur C. Clarke 
     Vector, May 2001
  Entering the Labyrinth: An introduction to the ficciones of Jorge Luis Borges 
     Vector, May 1999
  The Fine Art of Reviewing 
     Vector, Apr 1988
  Getting It Right 
     Matrix, Jun 1979
     Matrix, Jun 1979
  How Hard is SF? 
     Vector, Spr 1995
  Hugo Awards Breakdown 1987 
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1987
  In England's Green and Pleasant Land: On Geoffrey Household and "Arrows of Desire" 
     Vector, Aug 1986
  Keith Roberts 1935-2000 
     Matrix, Nov 2000
     Matrix, Nov 2000
  Manchester Group 
     Matrix, Aug 1979
     Matrix, Aug 1979
  Memories of Sir Arthur C. Clarke 
     Vector, Sum 2008
  Mirrors, Doubles, Twins - Patterns in the Fiction of Christopher Priest, Part 1 
     Vector, Jul 1999
  Mirrors, Doubles, Twins - Patterns in the Fiction of Christopher Priest, Part 2 
     Vector, Jan 2000
  New Markets for Old 
     Focus, Oct 1986
  Nonfiction of 2004 
     Vector, Mar 2005
  Noreascon 11 
     Matrix, Dec 1980
     Matrix, Dec 1980
  Obituary: Jorge Luis Borges 
     Vector, Aug 1986
  Observations on a Rare Species Found in Its Unnatural Surroundings 
     Matrix, Dec 1979
     Matrix, Dec 1979
  Of Time and the River 
     Vector, Sum 2009
  The Realms of Fantasy 
     Vector, Dec 1983
  Reviewers' Choice: The Best Books of 1991 
     Vector, Apr 1992
  Scaling the Walls (SF Studies 11/92, Extrapolation Win 1992, NYRSF 12/92 & 1/93, Million Nov 92 & Jan 93, The Hardcore #8) 
     Vector, Apr 1993
  Science and Fiction 
     Vector, Apr 1984
  The State of the Art 
     Vector, Feb 1983
  Touching the Earth: The Fiction of Robert Holdstock 
     Vector, Oct 1993
  Twenty Years After 
     Vector, Jul 2006
  V/BMC Competion Winners and Losers: An Introduction 
     Vector, Apr 1984
  VAT 85 
     Vector, Apr 1985
  The View from Vector: 99-150 & 182-204 
     Vector, Nov 2006
  Where Reality and Lost Dreams Meet 
     Matrix, Apr 1986
     Matrix, Apr 1986
  Why I'm a Fan? 
     Matrix, Dec 1978
     Matrix, Dec 1978


  Archipelago: Founded on the shambles 
     Vector, Sep 2006
  News  with Dave Hodson  & Maureen Porter 
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1990
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1990
  News  with Stan Nicholls 
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Apr 1988
  News  with Stan Nicholls 
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
  News  with Stan Nicholls  & Maureen Porter 
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1987
  News  with Maureen Porter 
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1987


    with David V. Barrett  & Alan Dorey 
     Vector, Jun 1985
    with David V. Barrett  & Hussain R. Mohamed 
     Vector, Dec 1986
     Vector, Oct 1986
     Vector, Jun 1986
     Vector, Aug 1985
    with David V. Barrett  & Harriet Monkhouse 
     Vector, Jun 1989
     Vector, Apr 1989
     Vector, Feb 1989
     Vector, Dec 1988
     Vector, Oct 1988
     Vector, Aug 1988
     Vector, Jun 1988
    with David V. Barrett  & Simon Nicholson 
     Vector, Apr 1988
     Vector, Feb 1988
     Vector, Dec 1987
     Vector, Oct 1987
     Vector, Aug 1987
     Vector, Jun 1987
     Vector, Apr 1987
    with Catie Cary  & Stephen Payne  & Maureen Kincaid Speller 
     Vector, Sum 1995
     Vector, Spr 1995
    with Tony Cullen  & Andrew M. Butler  & Gary S. Dalkin 
     Vector, Mar 1999
     Vector, Jan 1999
     Vector, Nov 1998
     Vector, Sep 1998
     Vector, Jul 1998
     Vector, May 1998
     Vector, Mar 1998
     Vector, Jan 1998
     Vector, Nov 1997
     Vector, Sep 1997
     Vector, Jul 1997
    with Tony Cullen  & Andrew M. Butler  & Gary S. Dalkin  & Tanya Brown 
     Vector, May 1997
     Vector, Mar 1997
     Vector, Jan 1997
     Vector, Nov 1996
     Vector, Sep 1996
     Vector, Aug 1996
    with Alan Dorey  & Joseph Nicholas 
     Vector, Apr 1982
     Vector, Jul 1995
     Vector, Apr 1985
    with Kev McVeigh  & Boyd Parkinson 
     Vector, Dec 1990
     Vector, Oct 1990
     Vector, Jun 1990
     Vector, Feb 1990
     Vector, Aug 1989
    with Boyd Parkinson  & Kev McVeigh 
     Vector, Apr 1990
     Vector, Dec 1989
     Vector, Oct 1989
    with Geoff Rippington 
     Vector, Aug 1983
    with Geoff Rippington  & Joseph Nicholas 
     Vector, Jun 1983
     Vector, Apr 1983
     Vector, Feb 1983
     Vector, Dec 1982
     Vector, Oct 1982
     Vector, Aug 1982
     Vector, Jun 1982
    with Kevin Smith  & Joseph Nicholas 
     Vector, Feb 1982
     Vector, Dec 1981
     Vector, Oct 1981
     Vector, Aug 1981
     Vector, Jun 1981
    with Maureen Speller  & Andrew M. Butler  & Gary S. Dalkin  & Tanya Brown  & Tony Cullen 
     Vector, Feb 1996
     Vector, Dec 1995
    with Maureen Speller  & Andrew M. Butler  & Gary S. Dalkin  & Stephen Payne  & Tony Cullen 
     Vector, Sep 1995


     Vector, Apr 1985
     Vector, Aug 1983
  The View from Alderney - Kenneth Vye Bailey (1914 - 2005)  with Andrew M. Butler  & Andy Sawyer  & Steve Jeffery 
     Vector, Mar 2005
  Whither SF - Withered SF 
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1984
  Who Knows Best? 
     Vector, Apr 1987


    - Paul J. McAuley
     Vector, Jun 1990
  1985, Alasdair - a daft divine comedy  - Alasdair Gray
     Vector, Apr 1986
  And Torture One Poor Word Ten Thousand Ways  - Lisa Tuttle
     Vector, Aug 1984
  The Entire Enchilada  - Lawrence Sutin
     Vector, Aug 1992
  The Imperfect Echo  - Guy Gavriel Kay
     Vector, Apr 1987
  A Mosaic of Words (Mexicon II, February 1986)  - Keith Roberts
     Vector, Jun 1986
  The Mouse, the Lion and Riddley Walker  - Russell Hoban
     Vector, Apr 1985
  O Happy Days  - Geoff Ryman
     Vector, Oct 1985
  Of Men and Machines  - Keith Roberts
     Vector, Jun 1982
  A Perfectly Mysterious Process (at the 1995 World Science Fiction Convention)  - Samuel R. Delany
     Vector, Dec 1995
  Throwing Away the Orthodoxy  - Christopher Priest
     Vector, Jul 1999
  Unrolling the Non-Stop Tapestry  - Brian W. Aldiss
     Vector, Dec 1985
  The View from the Bridge  - Michael Marshall Smith
     Vector, Jan 1997
  The View from the Mountain Road  - Bruce Sterling
     Vector, Jun 1987
  A Young Man's Journey from Viriconium  - M. John Harrison
     Vector, Dec 1986


     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1985
     Vector, Mar 1999
     Vector, May 1997
     Vector, Aug 1993
     Vector, Oct 1990
     Vector, Feb 1990
     Vector, Oct 1981
     Vector, Jan 1979
     Vector, Nov 1978
     Matrix, Dec 1981
     Matrix, Dec 1981
  Reply to M. G. Sherlock 
     Vector, Sep 2001
  Reply to Paul Fraser 
     Vector, Sep 2000
  Response to Martin Clarke 
     Vector, Nov 1998
  Response to Matt Freestone 
     Vector, Nov 1997
  Wingrove/_The White Mountain_/Cary 
     Vector, Feb 1992

Book Reviews

  (Re)Commended Science Fiction  - Roger Robinson
     Vector, Sep 1998
  1982, Janine  - Alasdair Gray
     Vector, Dec 1984
  A World of Difference  - Harry Turtledove
     Vector, Mar 1999
  Accelerando  - Charles Stross
     Vector, Nov 2005
  Aestival Tide  - Elizabeth Hand
     Vector, Feb 1993
  Alternities  - Michael P. Kube-McDowell
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1990
  Amnesiascope  - Steve Erickson
     Vector, Jan 1997
  Anatomy of Wonder (Edited)  - Neil Barron
     Vector, Apr 1988
  Ancient Echoes  - Robert Holdstock
     Vector, Sep 1996
  The Anubis Gate  - Tim Powers
     Vector, Apr 1985
  Ape into Pleiades  - Lilith Lorraine
     Vector, May 1999
  The Arbitrary Placement of Walls  - Martha Soukup
     Vector, Jan 1998
  Architects of Emortality  - Brian Stableford
     Vector, Jan 2000
  Aura  - Carlos Fuentes
     Vector, Jun 1990
  The Aurum Film Encyclopaedia: Science Fiction (Edited)  - Phil Hardy
     Vector, Feb 1992
  Barnacle Bill the Spacer and Other Stories  - Lucius Shepard
     Vector, Sep 1997
  The Best New SF: 9th Annual Collection (Edited)  - Gardner Dozois
     Vector, Mar 1997
  Best Science Fiction of the Year #12 (Edited)  - Terry Carr
     Vector, Jun 1984
  The Best Time Travel Stories of All Time (Edited)  - Barry N. Malzberg
     Vector, Jul 2003
  The BFI Companion to Horror (Edited)  - Kim Newman
     Vector, Jul 1997
  Black Cocktail  - Jonathan Carroll
     Vector, Dec 1990
  Blood Red Angel  - Adrian Cole
     Vector, Apr 1994
  Blooded on Arachne  - Michael Bishop
     Vector, Feb 1983
  The Blue and the Gray Undercover (Edited)  - Ed Gorman
     Vector, Mar 2002
  The Bone Forest  - Robert Holdstock
     Vector, Jun 1991
  The Book of the Dun Cow  - Walter Wangerin, Jr
     Vector, Jun 1980
  The Bridge  - Iain Banks
     Vector, Oct 1986
  Brightness Falls from the Air  - James Tiptree, Jr
     Vector, Apr 1987
  The Broken God  - David Zindell
     Vector, Feb 1994
  By-Ways on the Shining Path  - Carlos Orfila Nunez
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1985
  A Caller from Overspace  - John Lymington
     Vector, Oct 1979
  Castleview  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Apr 1991
  Catastrophea  - Terrance Dicks
     Vector, Jul 1998
  The Centauri Device  - M. John Harrison
     Vector, Nov 2000
  Century's End  - Russell M. Griffin
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1982
  Children of the Wind  - Kate Wilhelm
     Vector, Apr 1991
  Chimeras  - Christopher Evans
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1992
  Christopher Priest  - Nicholas Ruddick
     Vector, Dec 1990
  The Citadel of the Autarch  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Jun 1983
  CivilWarLand in Bad Decline  - George Saunders
     Vector, Aug 1996
  The Claw of the Conciliator  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Aug 1981
  Cloud Atlas  - David Mitchell
     Vector, Nov 2004
  Cloudrock  - Garry Kilworth
     Vector, Aug 1988
  Conspiracy Theories  - Christopher Evans
     Matrix, Dec 1987Christopher Evans
     Matrix, Dec 1987
  Critical terms for Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Glossary and Guide to Scholarship  - Gary K. Wolfe
     Vector, Dec 1987
  The Darkening Garden: A Short Lexicon of Horror  - John Clute
     Vector, Mar 2007
  Darkworld Detective  - J. Michael Reaves
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1982
  Daughter of Elysium  - Joan Slonczewski
     Vector, Feb 1994
  Days Between Stations  - Steve Erickson
     Vector, Dec 1988
  Days of Cain  - J. R. Dunn
     Vector, Sep 1997
  Divine Endurance  - Gwyneth Jones
     Vector, Jun 1985
  The Divine Invasion  - Philip K. Dick
     Vector, Oct 1981
  Dreamstone Moon  - Paul Leonard
     Vector, Jul 1998
  Drek Yarman  - Keith Roberts
     Vector, May 2000
  Dune Master: A Frank Herbert Bibliography  - Daniel J. H. LevackMark Willard
     Vector, Feb 1989
  The Dune Trilogy  - Frank Herbert
     Vector, May 1979
  Einstein's Monsters  - Martin Amis
     Vector, Oct 1987
  Elvissey  - Jack Womack
     Vector, Apr 1993
  The Encyclopaedia of Fantasy (Edited)  - John CluteJohn Grant
     Vector, Jul 1999John CluteJohn Grant
     Vector, Jul 1997
  Entropies and Alignments  - Steve Sneyd
     Vector, May 1999
  Escape Plus  - Gwyneth Jones
     Vector, Jun 1986
  Eternal Light  - Paul J. McAuley
     Vector, Aug 1991
  Eye of Heaven  - Jim Mortimore
     Vector, Jul 1998
  The Eye of the Queen  - Phillip Mann
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1989
  Fairy Tale  - Alice Thomas Ellis
     Vector, May 1997
  Faith in Fakes  - Umberto Eco
     Vector, Dec 1986
  Fantasists on Fantasy (Edited)  - Robert H. BoyerKenneth J. Zahorski
     Vector, Aug 1984
  The Fifth Element  - Terry Bisson
     Vector, Sep 1997
  Floating Worlds  - Cecilia Holland
     Vector, Jul 1978
  Fools  - Pat Cadigan
     Vector, Apr 1994
  The Fountains of Paradise  - Arthur C. Clarke
     Vector, Mar 1979
  Free Live Free  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Oct 1985
  Fremder  - Russell Hoban
     Vector, Aug 1996
  Fuzzy Dice  - Paul Di Filippo
     Vector, Nov 2003
  Garden of Rama  - Arthur C. ClarkeGentry Lee
     Vector, Feb 1992
  The Gardens of Delight  - Ian Watson
     Vector, Oct 1980
  Ghosts from the Mists of Time  - Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes
     Vector, Aug 1985
  The Girl with the Jade Green Eyes  - John Boyd
     Vector, Oct 1979
  The Glamour  - Christopher Priest
     Vector, Jan 1997Christopher Priest
     Vector, Apr 1985
  Gothic Fiction  - Frederick S. Frank
     Vector, Feb 1989
  The Great Escape  - Ian Watson
     Vector, Sep 2002
  Greetings, Carbon-based Bipeds!  - Arthur C. Clarke
     Vector, Jan 2001
  The Guns of Valverde  - P. G. Nagle
     Vector, Sep 2000
  Habitation One  - Frederick Dunstan
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1984
  The Handmaid's Tale  - Margaret Atwood
     Vector, Aug 1986
  Haunted Travellers (Edited)  - Denys Val Baker
     Vector, Aug 1985
  Hav  - Jan Morris
     Vector, Nov 2006
  Hawksmoor  - Peter Ackroyd
     Vector, Feb 1986
  Heavy Time  - C. J. Cherryh
     Vector, Oct 1992
  Heavy Weather  - Bruce Sterling
     Vector, Spr 1995
  Hegira  - Greg Bear
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1988
  heroes and Villains  - Angela Carter
     Vector, Feb 1982
  Hitler Victorious (Edited)  - Gregory BenfordMartin H. Greenberg
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1988
  The Hollow Men  - Martin DayKeith Topping
     Vector, Jul 1998
  The Hollowing  - Robert Holdstock
     Vector, Oct 1993
  The Hope  - James Lovegrove
     Vector, Jun 1990
  The House of the Spirits  - Isabel Allende
     Vector, Dec 1985
  How Few Remain  - Harry Turtledove
     Vector, Jan 1998
  Humpty Dumpty in Oakland  - Philip K. Dick
     Vector, Apr 1987
  If the South had Won the Civil War  - MacKinlay Kantor
     Vector, Mar 2002
  In Milton Lumky Territory  - Philip K. Dick
     Vector, Dec 1985
  In the Country of Last Things  - Paul Auster
     Vector, Dec 1988
  In the Hollow of the Deep-Sea Wave  - Garry Kilworth
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1990
  Infinity Plus Two (Edited)  - Keith BrookeNick Gevers
     Vector, Nov 2003
  Inspecting the Vaults  - Eric McCormack
     Vector, Dec 1987
  The Inter-Galactic Playground: A Critical Study of Childrens' and Teens' Science Fiction  - Farah Mendlesohn
     Vector, Win 2010
  Into Your Tent: The Life, Work and Family Background of Eric Frank Russell  - John L. Ingham
     Vector, Sum 2010
  Irish Encounters  - Keith Roberts
     Vector, Aug 1989
  Jago  - Kim Newman
     Vector, Dec 1992
  Jane Saint and the Backlash  - Josephine Saxton
     Vector, Dec 1989
  Joe's Liver  - Paul di Filippo
     Vector, Sep 2000
  Justice City  - D. G. Compton
     Vector, Feb 1996
  Kalimantan  - Lucius Shepard
     Vector, Dec 1990
  Kepler  - John Banville
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1983
  Kin to the Far Beyond  - Steve Sneyd
     Vector, May 1999
  The Last Deadloss Visions  - Christopher Priest
     Matrix, Dec 1987Christopher Priest
     Matrix, Dec 1987
  The Last Election  - Pete Davies
     Vector, Apr 1986
  The Last World  - Christopher Ransmayr
     Vector, Dec 1990
  Legacy of the Daleks  - John Peel
     Vector, Jul 1998
  The Legend Book of Science Fiction (Edited)  - Gardner Dozois
     Vector, Dec 1991
  Let's Go to Golgotha (Edited)  -  uncredited
     Vector, Dec 1979
  Letters from Hollywood  - Michael Moorcock
     Vector, Dec 1986
  Leviathan's Deep  - Jayge Carr
     Vector, Jun 1980
  The Light of Other Days  - Arthur C. ClarkeStephen Baxter
     Vector, May 2000
  Little Tours of Hell  - Josephine Saxton
     Vector, Feb 1987
  Little, Big  - John Crowley
     Vector, Feb 1982
  Longest Day  - Michael Collier
     Vector, Jul 1998
  Look to Windward  - Iain M. Banks
     Vector, Sep 2000
  Lost Futures  - Lisa Tuttle
     Vector, Aug 1992
  The Mad Man  - Samuel R. Delany
     Vector, Spr 1995
  A Maggot  - John Fowles
     Vector, Apr 1986
  The Magic: The Story of a Film  - Christopher Priest
     Vector, Win 2008
  The Makeshift God  - Russell M. Griffin
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1982
  The Man in the Mirror of the Book  - James Woodall
     Vector, Mar 1997
  The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike  - Philip K. Dick
     Vector, Apr 1987
  The Marriage of Sticks  - Jonathan Carroll
     Vector, Sep 1999
  Mars  - Ben Bova
     Vector, Apr 1993
  The Martian Inca  - Ian Watson
     Vector, Jun 1993
  The Martians  - Kim Stanley Robinson
     Vector, Jul 1999
  Master of Paxwax  - Phillip Mann
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1989
  Memoirs of an Invisible Man  - H. F. Saint
     Vector, Aug 1987
  Memories of the Space Age  - J. G. Ballard
     Vector, Apr 1989
  Mercurius  - Patrick Harpur
     Vector, Jun 1990
  Milton in America  - Peter Ackroyd
     Vector, Jan 1997
  Mindsong  - Joan Cox
     Paperback Parlour, Dec 1979
  Mindstar Rising  - Peter F. Hamilton
     Vector, Jun 1993
  Minor Arcana  - Diana Wynne Jones
     Vector, Jul 1997
  Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology (Edited)  - Bruce Sterling
     Vector, Aug 1987
  Molly Zero  - Keith Roberts
     Vector, Oct 1980
  Mona Lisa Overdrive  - William Gibson
     Vector, Oct 1988
  The Monster and the Critics and Other Essays  - J. R. R. Tolkien
     Vector, May 1997
  The Natural History of the P.H.  - Keith Roberts
     Vector, Jun 1988
  Nemira '94: Romanian SF Anthology (Edited)  - Romulus BarbulescuGeorge Anania
     Vector, Spr 1995
  Neuromancer  - William Gibson
     Vector, Jul 1995
  Neverwhere  - Neil Gaiman
     Vector, Nov 1996
  The New Encyclopaedia of Science Fiction (Edited)  - James Gunn
     Vector, Dec 1989
  New Legends (Edited)  - Greg Bear
     Vector, Feb 1996
  New Noir  - John Shirley
     Vector, Dec 1993
  Nick and the Glimmung  - Philip K. Dick
     Vector, Oct 1988
  The Night Sessions  - Ken MacLeod
     Vector, Win 2008
  No Enemy But Time  - Michael Bishop
     Vector, Oct 1982
  North Wind  - Gwyneth Jones
     Vector, Aug 1994
  Odd Genre: A Study in Imagination and Evolution  - John J. Pierce
     Vector, Dec 1995
  Omni Best Science Fiction 1 (Edited)  - Ellen Datlow
     Vector, Feb 1994
  Omni Best Science Fiction 2 (Edited)  - Ellen Datlow
     Vector, Feb 1994
  Omni Best Science Fiction 3 (Edited)  - Ellen Datlow
     Vector, Feb 1994
  Operation Ares  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Jan 1978
  Option Loch  - Justin Richards
     Vector, Jul 1998
  Orbitsville Departure  - Bob Shaw
     Vector, Dec 1983
  Other Edens (Edited)  - Christopher EvansRobert Holdstock
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1987
  The Outpost  - Mike Resnick
     Vector, Sep 2001
  Pirates of the Universe  - Terry Bisson
     Vector, Aug 1996
  PKD: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography, Revised Edition  - Daniel J. H. Levack
     Vector, Feb 1989
  The Place  - T. M. Wright
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1991
  The Plate Papers  - Peter Ackroyd
     Vector, Sep 1999
  Prayers to Brokem Stones  - Dan Simmons
     Vector, Apr 1992
  The Prestige  - Christopher Priest
     Vector, Sep 1995
  The Quantum Thief  - Hannu Rajaniemi
     Vector, Win 2011
  The Quiet Woman  - Christopher Priest
     Vector, Dec 1990
  Regenesis  - Alexander Fullerton
     Vector, Oct 1983
  Remembrance Day  - Brian W. Aldiss
     Vector, Jun 1993
  The River of Time  - David Brin
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1987
  Roadside Picnic  - Arkadi StrugatskyBoris Strugatsky
     Paperback Parlour, Oct 1979
  Rubicon Beach  - Steve Erickson
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1990
  Running Wild  - J. G. Ballard
     Vector, Apr 1989
  The Sandman: Book of Dreams (Edited)  - Neil GaimanEd Kramer
     Vector, Nov 1996
  Sars and Stripes in Peril  - Harry Harrison
     Vector, Jul 2000
  Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index 1992-1995  - Hal W. Hall
     Vector, Nov 1997
  The Science Fiction Century (Edited)  - David G. Hartwell
     Vector, Sep 1998
  Science Fiction Master Index of Names  - Kenneth L. Justice
     Vector, Jun 1987
  Science Fiction Roots and Branches (Edited)  - Rhys GarnettR. J. Ellis
     Vector, Jun 1991
  Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horro: 1986  - Charles N. BrownWilliam G. Contento
     Vector, Dec 1988
  Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Reference: An Annotated Bibliograhy of Works About Literature and Film  - Keith L. Justice
     Vector, Oct 1990
  Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror: 1987  - Charles N. BrownWilliam G. Contento
     Vector, Dec 1989
  Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopaedia  - John Clute
     Vector, Feb 1996
  A Scientific Romance  - Roland Wright
     Vector, Mar 1998
  The Separation  - Christopher Priest
     Vector, Jan 2003
  Shadow Hunter  - Will Baker
     Vector, Oct 1993
  The Shadow of the Torturer  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Jun 1981
  Short Trips (Edited)  - Stephen Cole
     Vector, Jul 1998
  A Short, Sharp Shock  - Kim Stanley Robinson
     Vector, Dec 1990
  Signs of Life  - M. John Harrison
     Vector, Sep 1998M. John Harrison
     Vector, Sep 1997
  The Snow Queen  - Joan D. Vinge
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1981
  Soldier of Arete  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Oct 1990
  Songs from the Stars  - Norman Spinrad
     Vector, Aug 1981
  Space Marine  - Ian Watson
     Vector, Jun 1993
  Spares  - Michael Marshall Smith
     Vector, Jan 1997
  The Sparrow  - Mary Doria Russell
     Vector, Nov 1997
  Split Second  - Garry Kilworth
     Vector, Dec 1979
  Star Trek TNG: Here There Be Dragons  - John Peel
     Vector, Apr 1994
  Stars and Stripes Forever  - Harry Harrison
     Vector, Sep 1998
  Storm Warnings: Science Fiction Confronts the Future (Edited)  - George E. SlusserColin GreenlandEric S. Rabkin
     Vector, Feb 1988
  Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Science Fiction (Edited)  - Larry McCaffery
     Vector, Oct 1992
  Strokes  - John Clute
     Vector, Apr 1989
  The Sword of the Lictor  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Jun 1982
  Tales of Neveryon  - Samuel R. Delany
     Vector, Oct 1979
  Terry's Universe (Edited)  - Beth Meacham
     Vector, Feb 1989
  There Are Doors  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Jun 1989
  Things That Never Happen  - M. John Harrison
     Vector, Jan 2005
  This Is Not A Game  - Walter Jon Williams
     Vector, Sum 2009
  Threshold  - Ursula K. Le Guin
     Vector, Dec 1980
  Tiger! Tiger!  - Alfred Bester
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1988
  The Time Ships  - Stephen Baxter
     Vector, Sum 1995
  The Tithonian Factor  - Richard Cowper
     Vector, Oct 1984
  To Hold Infinity  - John Meaney
     Vector, Nov 1998
  Tonguing the Zeitgesit  - Lance Olsen
     Vector, Aug 1994
  The Town That Forgot how to Breathe  - Kenneth J. Harvey
     Vector, Nov 2004
  The Transmigration of Timothy Archer  - Philip K. Dick
     Vector, Feb 1983
  The Travails of Jane Saint and Other Stories  - Josephine Saxton
     Vector, Feb 1987
  Tree Messiah  - Garry Kilworth
     Vector, Dec 1986
  Tune In for Pain (Edited)  - Peter Haining
     Vector, Aug 1985
  Twentieth Century Science Fiction Writers (Edited)  - Curtis C. Smith
     Vector, Feb 1987
  The Ultimate Encyclopaedia of Fantasy: The Definitive Illustrated Guide  - David Pringle
     Vector, May 1999
  The Ultimate Encyclopaedia of Science Fiction (Edited)  - David Pringle
     Vector, Jul 1997
  The Urth of the New Sun  - Gene Wolfe
     Vector, Apr 1988
  Use of Weapons  - Iain M. Banks
     Vector, Dec 1990
  Valis  - Philip K. Dick
     Vector, Jun 1981
  Vellum  - Hal Duncan
     Vector, Sep 2005
  Vermilion Sands  - J. G. Ballard
     Vector, Feb 1993
  Violent Stars  - Phyllis Gotlieb
     Vector, Nov 1999
  Vivia  - Tanith Lee
     Vector, Sum 1995
  The Vortices of Time  - K. V. Bailey
     Vector, May 1999
  Walking On Glass  - Iain Banks
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1986
  Walking the Labyrinth  - Lisa Goldstein
     Vector, Sep 1996
  The War Against Chaos  - Anita Mason
     Vector, Dec 1988
  Water  - Sue Thomas
     Vector, Jul 1995
  The Waterworks  - E. L. Doctorow
     Vector, Aug 1994
  We  - Yevgeny Zamyatin
     Vector, Jan 2000
  When Dusk Comes Creeping  - Lanyon Jones
     Vector, Aug 1985
  White Chappell Scarlet Tracings  - Iain Sinclair
     Vector, Apr 1988
  White Light  - Rudy Rucker
     Vector, Dec 1980
  Why Aren't They Here? The Question of Life on Other Worlds  - Surendra Verma
     Vector, Aut 2008
  William Gibson  - Lance Olsen
     Vector, Apr 1993
  The Witch Hunters  - Steve Lyons
     Vector, Jul 1998
  Witch-Water Country  - Garry Kilworth
     Vector, Dec 1986
  Wordsmiths of Wonder  - Stan Nicholls
     Vector, Jun 1994
  The World Inside  - Robert Silverberg
     Vector, Sep 1978
  Worlds Apart: An Anthology of Russian Fantasy & Science Fiction (Edited)  - Alexander Levitsky
     Vector, Spr 2008
  Writers of the 21st Century: Ursula K. Le Guin (Edited)  - Joseph D. OlanderMartin H. Greenberg
     Vector, Jun 1980
  Writers of the Future (Edited)  - Algis Budrys
     Vector, Aug 1987

Books Reviewed

  The Arthur C. Clarke Award: A Critical Anthology (Edited)  with Andrew M. Butler 
     Vector, Nov 2006 by Stephen Jeffery
  A Very British Genre 
     Vector, Dec 1995 by John Newsinger
  What It Is We Do When We Read Science Fiction 
     Vector, Aut 2008 by Adam Roberts

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.