  The View from the Millennium's End - Andrew M. Butler 

  Expecting Something a Bit Grimmer - Martin Millar  by Tanya Brown
  Return to Shannara - Terry Brooks  by Ellen Cheshire

  Give Me Your Answer Do - Colin Odell  Mitch Le Blanc 
  Voices in Time - The Lost World of 2001 - Gary S. Dalkin 
  The Music of 2001 - Tanya Brown 
  The Man Who Invented the Mekon... and Other Mysteries: Further Explorations into 'The Hidden SF' - The Juvenile Science Fiction of Mainstream Writers - Andrew Darlington 

Book Reviews by Andrew A. Adams
  The Gambler's Fortune - Juliet E. McKenna 

Book Reviews by Chris Amies
  The Bridge - Janine Ellen Young 

Book Reviews by K. V. Bailey
  Star Trek: the Poems (Edited) - Valerie Laws 
  Silverheart - Michael Moorcock  Storm Constantine 

Book Reviews by Cherith Baldry
  Ash: A Secret History - Mary Gentle 

Book Reviews by Colin Bird
  Rebel Sutra - Shariann Lewitt 

Book Reviews by Lynne Bispham
  Sinner: Book One of The Wayfarer Redemption - Sarah Douglass 

Book Reviews by Avril Brown
  Rhapsody - Elizabeth Haydon 

Book Reviews by Tanya Brown
  Atom - Steve Aylett 

Book Reviews by Stuart Carter
  Sten 2: The Wolf Worlds - Chris Bunch  Allan Cole 
  Distraction - Bruce Sterling 

Book Reviews by Alan Fraser
  Animist - Eve Forward 

Book Reviews by Leslie Hatch
  Swords Against the Millennium (Edited) - Mike Chinn 
  Pegasus in Space - Anne McCaffrey 

Book Reviews by Robert W. Hayler
  Saturn's Race - Larry Niven  Steven Barnes 

Book Reviews by Chris Hill
  Crescent City Rhapsody - Kathleen Ann Goonan 

Book Reviews by Penny Hill
  Dervish is Digital - Pat Cadigan 
  Mindplayers - Pat Cadigan 
  Ice Tower - Christopher Evans 
  Spiritfeather - Colin Greenland 
  The Ark - Ben Jeapes 

Book Reviews by L. J. Hurst
  The Foreigners - James Lovegrove 

Book Reviews by Steve Jeffery
  Celtika - Robert Holdstock 
  Grimm's Last Fairytale - Haydn Middleton 
  The Dragon Charmer - Jan Siegel 

Book Reviews by Carol Ann Kerry-Green
  Pillar of the Sky - Cecilia Holland 

Book Reviews by Paul Kincaid
  Greetings, Carbon-based Bipeds! - Arthur C. Clarke 

Book Reviews by Vikki Lee
  Surrender None - Elizabeth Moon 

Book Reviews by John D. Owen
  Brain Plague - Joan Slonczewski 

Book Reviews by Andrew Seaman
  The Collapsium - Wil McCarthy 

Book Reviews by Kathy Taylor
  Servant of the Dragon - David Drake 
  Windhaven - George R. R. Martin  Lisa Tuttle 

Book Reviews by Sue Thomason
  Year of the Griffin - Diana Wynne Jones 

Book Reviews by Jon Wallace
  Dark Visions - Stephen King  George R. R. Martin  Dan Simmons 
  The Science of the X-Men - Link Yaco  Karen Haber 

Book Reviews by Gary Wilkinson
  X-Men: Shadows of the Past - Michael Jan Friedman 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.