Paperback Inferno, June 1982

Editor(s): Joseph Nicholas 
Pages: 14, A4
Price: 15p
Notes: Volume 5, No 6, 32nd issue

  Blood on the Racks - Joseph Nicholas 

Book Reviews by John Duffty
  The Janus Syndrome - Steven E. McDonald 

Book Reviews by Judith Hanna
  Slaves of the Klau - Jack Vance 
  The Claw of the Conciliator - Gene Wolfe 

Book Reviews by Eve Harvey
  Midnight at the Well of Souls - Jack L. Chalker 
  War of Omission - Kevin O'Donnell, Jr 

Book Reviews by John Hobson
  The Infinitives of Go - John Brunner 

Book Reviews by Paul Kincaid
  Century's End - Russell M. Griffin 

Book Reviews by David Langford
  Syzygy - Frederik Pohl 

Book Reviews by Joseph Nicholas
  The Divine Invasion - Philip K. Dick 
  God-Emperor of Dune - Frank Herbert 

Book Reviews by Ray Owen
  Dragonquest - Anne McCaffrey 

Book Reviews by Phil Palmer
  Dolphin Island - Arthur C. Clarke 

Book Reviews by Andy Sawyer
  The Unlimited Dream Company - J. G. Ballard 

Book Reviews by Brian Smith
  Micro-Computing: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know - Rose Deaking 

Book Reviews by Kevin Smith
  Conquests - Poul Anderson 

Book Reviews by Sue Thomason
  Emperor, Swords, Pentacles - Phyllis Gotlieb 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.