Philip K. Dick


  The Android and the Human 
     Vector, Mar 1973
  Letters from Amerika 1: The Invisible (June 6th 1973) 
     Vector, Spr 1974
  Letters from Amerika 2: Mob Rule (September 1st 1973) 
     Vector, Spr 1974


     Vector, May 1973

Books Reviewed

  5 Great Novels by Philip K. Dick 
     Vector, Sum 2009 by Martin McGrath
  A Scanner Darkly 
     Paperback Parlour, Feb 1979 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  Beyond Lies the Wub 
     Vector, Jun 1989 by John Gribbin
     Vector, Jan 2000 by L. J. Hurst
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1991 by K. V. Bailey
     Vector, Sep 2003 by Jon Wallace
  Confessions of a Crap Artist 
     Vector, Dec 1979 by Alan Dorey
  The Cosmic Puppets 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1986 by Chris Bailey
  Cosmogony and Cosmology 
     Vector, Apr 1988 by Edward James
  Counter-Clock World 
     Paperback Parlour, Aug 1977 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  The Days of Perky Pat 
     Vector, Jun 1990 by L. J. Hurst
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1991 by K. V. Bailey
  Deus Irae  with Roger Zelazny 
     Vector, Jan 1977 by Chris Morgan
     Paperback Parlour, Aug 1978 by Robin Marcus
  The Divine Invasion 
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1989 by Norman Beswick
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1982 by Joseph Nicholas
     Vector, Oct 1981 by Paul Kincaid
  Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 
     Vector, Jul 1999 by Steve Jeffery
     Vector, Sum 1969 by Gerald Bishop
  Dr Bloodmoney 
     Vector, Nov 2000 by Andrew M. Butler
  Dr. Bloodmoney 
     Paperback Parlour, Dec 1977 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  Dr. Futurity 
     Vector Review Supplement, Mar 1977 by David Wingrove
  The Father-Thing 
     Vector, Apr 1990 by L. J. Hurst
  Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said 
     Vector, Nov 1976 by David Wingrove
  Galactic Pot-Healer 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1987 by Alan Fraser
     Vector, Spr 1970 by Michael Kenward
  The Game-Players of Titan 
     Vector, Sep 1977 by Andrew Darlington
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1991 by L. J. Hurst
  The Golden Man 
     Vector, Dec 1981 by David Penn
  A Handful of Darkness 
     Paperback Parlour, Feb 1980 by Joseph Nicholas
  Hope I Shall Arrive Soon,I 
     Vector, Apr 1986 by L. J. Hurst
  Humpty Dumpty in Oakland 
     Vector, Apr 1987 by Paul Kincaid
  In Milton Lumky Territory 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1987 by Steven Tew
     Vector, Dec 1985 by Paul Kincaid
  Lies, Inc. 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1986 by Edward James
  The Little Black Box 
     Vector, Feb 1991 by L. J. Hurst
  The Man in the High Castle 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1987 by Andy Sawyer
     Vector, Jun 1987 by Jim England
     Paperback Parlour, Dec 1978 by Charles Brenchley
  The Man Who Japed 
     Paperback Parlour, Dec 1978 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  The Man Whose Teeth Were all Exactly Alike 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1986 by Phil Nichols
     Vector, Apr 1987 by Paul Kincaid
  Martian Time-Slip 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1984 by Chris Bailey
     Vector, Jan 2000 by Chris Hill
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1990 by Graham Andrews
     Paperback Parlour, Apr 1977 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  Mary and the Giant 
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1990 by Martyn Taylor
     Vector, Apr 1988 by Jon Wallace
  A Maze of Death 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1985 by Helen McNabb
     Vector, Oct 1992 by Andy Sawyer
  Minority Report 
     Vector, Nov 2000 by Andrew M. Butler
     Vector, Sep 2002 by L. J. Hurst
  Nick and the Glimmung 
     Vector, Oct 1988 by Paul Kincaid
  Our Friends from Frolix 8 
     Vector, Feb 1976 by Christopher D. Evans
  The Penultimate Truth 
     Paperback Parlour, Dec 1978 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  The Preserving Machine 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1988 by Alan Fraser
  Puttering About in a Small Land 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1987 by L. J. Hurst
  Radio Free Albemuth 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1987 by Terry Broome
     Vector, Aug 1987 by L. J. Hurst
  A Scanner, Darkly 
     Vector, Nov 1977 by David Wingrove
     Vector, May 2000 by Mark Plummer
  Second Variety 
     Vector, Aug 1989 by John Gribbin
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1991 by K. V. Bailey
  The Simulacra 
     Vector, Nov 2004 by L. J. Hurst
     Paperback Parlour, Aug 1977 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 
     Vector, Oct 1992 by Andy Sawyer
     Vector, Aut 1966 by Chris Priest
     Vector, Sep 2003 by Jon Wallace
     Paperback Parlour, Dec 1978 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  Time Out of Joint 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1984 by Helen McNabb
     Vector, May 2004 by L. J. Hurst
  The Transmigration of Timothy Archer 
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1984 by Kevin Busby
     Vector, Feb 1983 by Paul Kincaid
  The Turning Wheel and Other Stories 
     Paperback Parlour, Aug 1977 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  The Unteleported Man 
     Vector Review Supplement, Mar 1977 by David Wingrove
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1981 by Brendon Gore
     Vector, Apr 1988 by Helen McNabb
     Vector, Jun 1981 by Paul Kincaid
  The Variable Man and Other Stories 
     Vector, Sep 1977 by Andrew Darlington
  Voices from the Street 
     Vector, Jul 2007 by Andrew M. Butler
  Vulcan's Hammer 
     Vector Review Supplement, Mar 1977 by David Wingrove
  We Can Build You 
     Vector, Sep 1977 by Andrew Darlington
     Paperback Parlour, Aug 1977 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  We Can Remember It For You Wholesale 
     Vector, Feb 1992 by L. J. Hurst
     Vector, Nov 2000 by Andrew M. Butler
  The World Jones Made 
     Vector, Aug 1994 by Andy Mills
     Vector, Spr 1969 by Bryn Fortey

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.