Paperback Inferno, October/November 1989

Editor(s): Andy Sawyer 
Pages: 20, A4
Price: 50p
Notes: #80, 76th issue

  Paperback Purgatory: Degenerate SF - There's A Lot of It About, I'm Afraid - Ken Lake 

  Upon the Rack in Print (Asimov's September - October 1989; Analog September - October 89) - Edward James 
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 31 Sep/Oct 1989) - Andy Mills 
  Competition Results - Andy Sawyer 

   - Ken Lake 
   - Ian Sales 
   - Chris Ogden 
   - Margaret Hall 

   - Steve Bruce 
   - Nick Waller 
   - Kevin Cullen 
   - Nik Morton 

Book Reviews by Chris C. Bailey
  The Coming of the Quantum Cats - Frederik Pohl 
  Masks of the Martyrs - Jack L. Chalker 

Book Reviews by Norman Beswick
  The Divine Invasion - Philip K. Dick 

Book Reviews by Colin Bird
  The Sky Lords - John Brosnan 
  Fevre Dream - George R. R. Martin 
  Dream Demon - Anne Billson 

Book Reviews by Lynne Bispham
  The Green Man - Lynn Abbey 
  Sister Light, Sister Dark - Jane Yolen 

Book Reviews by Steven J. Blyth
  Inherit the Stars - James P. Hogan 
  The Wicked and the Witless - Hugh Cook 
  Runespear - Victor Milan  Melinda Snodgrass 

Book Reviews by Terry Broome
  Life During Wartime - Lucius Shepard 
  The Lodestone - Allen Harbinson 
  Realm of the Gods - Catherine Cooke 
  Arrow's Flight - Mercedes Lackey 

Book Reviews by Eric Brown
  The Man Who Never Missed - Steve Perry 

Book Reviews by Alan Fraser
  Other Voices - Colin Greenland 
  Tales of the Witch World (Edited) - Andre Norton 

Book Reviews by L. J. Hurst
  Zenith (Edited) - David S. Garnett 

Book Reviews by Edward James
  The Hidden Side of the Moon - Joanna Russ 

Book Reviews by Ken Lake
  Resurrection, Inc. - Kevin J. Anderson 
  Gamearth - Kevin J. Anderson 
  After the Zap - Michael Armstrong 
  Mind Transfer - Janet Asimov 
  The Agonies of Time - Ravan Christchild 
  Man In His Time - Brian W. Aldiss 
  The Evolution Man - Roy Lewis 
  Antares Dawn - Michael McCollum 

Book Reviews by Helen McNabb
  The Affirmation - Christopher Priest 
  The Cats of Seroster - Robert Westall 

Book Reviews by Kev McVeigh
  The Men in the Jungle - Norman Spinrad 

Book Reviews by Brian Magorrian
  Arthur C. Clarke's Chronicles of the Strange and Mysterious - John Fairley  Simon Welfare 

Book Reviews by Andy Mills
  The Committed Men - M. John Harrison 

Book Reviews by Nik Morton
  Sourcery - Terry Pratchett 
  Timelapse - David Nighbert 
  Wizard at Large - Terry Brooks 
  Far As Human Eye Could See - Isaac Asimov 
  Judge Dredd's Crime File 1 - John Wagner  Alan Grant 

Book Reviews by John Newsinger
  Soldiers of Paradise - Paul Park 

Book Reviews by Ian Sales
  An Excess of Enchantments - Craig Shaw Gardner 
  The Argonaut Affair - Simon Hawke 

Book Reviews by Andy Sawyer
  Wetware - Rudy Rucker 
  The Gryphon King - Tom Deitz 
  Upon a Star - Moebius 
  London's Dark - James Robinson  Paul Johnson 
  The Lake - John Peyton Cooke 
  Eclipse of the Kai - Joe Dever  John Grant 
  The Dark Door Opens - Joe Dever  John Grant 
  The Killing Glance - D. G. Finlay 
  Batman - Craig Shaw Gardner 
  The Crystal Keep - Sheila Gilluly 
  The Alien's Dictionary - David Hallamshire 
  Galactic Warrior - Douglas Hill 
  Deathwing Over Veynaa - Douglas Hill 
  The Mask - Dean R. Koontz 
  The Fire Sword - Adrienne Martine-Barnes 
  Darkwell - Douglas Niles 
  Arabesques 2 (Edited) - Susan Shwartz 
  Nigt of the Crabs - Guy N. Smith 
  Crabs' Moon - Guy N. Smith 
  Demon Night - J. M. Straczynski 
  Beastmaker - James V. Smith, Jr 
  The Dragonlance Saga 3 - Roy Thomas  Tony Dezuniga 
  The Lightless Kingdom - Jonathan Wylie 

Book Reviews by Laurence Scotford
  Mother of Storms: Star Requiem 1 - Adrian Cole 

Book Reviews by Charles Stross
  Morlock Night - K. W. Jeter 
  Voice of the Whirlwind - Walter Jon Williams 

Book Reviews by Martyn Taylor
  The Gold Coast - Kim Stanley Robinson 

Book Reviews by Steven Tew
  Shadows of the White Sun - Raymond Harris 
  The Reindeer People - Megan Lindholm 
  Vacuum Flowers - Michael Swanwick 

Book Reviews by Sue Thomason
  A Green Manifesto - Sandy Irvine  Alec Ponton 

Book Reviews by Jon Wallace
  The Awakeners - Sheri S. Tepper 

Book Reviews by Jessica Yates
  Under Siege - Elizabeth Mace 
  The Darkest Road - Guy Gavriel Kay 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.