Andy Mills


  Books of the Year 
     Vector, Mar 1999
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone #15, #16) 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1986
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone #17 Autumn 1986) 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1986
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone #19 Spring 1987) 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1987
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone #20 Summer 1987) 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1987
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone #21 Autumn 1987) 
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1987
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 22, Winter 1987) 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1988
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 23 Spring 1988) 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1988
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 24 Summer 1988) 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1988
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 25 Sept/Oct 1988) 
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1988
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 26 Nov/Dec 1988) 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1988
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 27 Jan/Feb 1989) 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1989
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 28 Mar/Apr 1989) 
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1989
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 29 May/Jun 1989) 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1989
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 30 Jul/Aug 1989) 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1989
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 31 Sep/Oct 1989) 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1989
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1989
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 33 Jan/Feb 1990) 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1990
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 34 Mar/Apr 1990) 
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1990
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 35 May 1990) 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1990
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 36/37 June/July 1990) 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1990
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 38-39 August - September 1990) 
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1990
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 40-41 October - November 1990) 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1990
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 42-43 December 1990 - January 1991) 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1991
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 44-45 February - March 1991) 
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1991
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 46-47 April - May 1991) 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1991
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 48-49 June - July 1991) 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1991
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 50-51 August - September 1991) 
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1991
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 52-53 October - November 1991) 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1991
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 54-55 December 1991 - January 1992) 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1992
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 56-57 February - March 1992) 
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1992
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 58-59 April - May 1992) 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1992
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone 60-61 June - July 1992) 
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1992
  Upon the Rack in Print (Interzone Winter 1986/87) 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1987


     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1988
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1986
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1986
     Vector, Sep 1999
     Vector, Aug 1993
     Vector, Apr 1992
     Vector, Jun 1990
     Vector, Jun 1988
     Vector, Aug 1986
     Focus, Aug 1995
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1987
  Response to David Pringle 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1991

Book Reviews

  Across Realtime  - Vernor Vinge
     Vector, Dec 1993
  The Alien Years  - Robert Silverberg
     Vector, Jul 1999
  The Antipope  - Robert Rankin
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1992
  Batman: Knightfall  - Dennis O'Neil
     Vector, Aug 1994
  Battletech 12: Assumption of Risk  - Michael A. Stackpole
     Vector, Feb 1994
  Beggars in Spain  - Nancy Kress
     Vector, Jun 1994
  Beloved Son  - George Turner
     Vector, Sep 1996
  Beneath the Gated Sky  - Robert Reed
     Vector, Jan 1998
  Beware!  - Richard Laymon
     Vector, Spr 1995
  Blade Runner 3: Replicant Night  - K. W. Jeter
     Vector, May 1997
  The Blood Jaguar  - Michael H. Payne
     Vector, Mar 1999
  Blood Moon  - Melanie Tem
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1992
  Bloodstone  - David Gemmell
     Vector, Spr 1995
  Blueheart  - Alison Sinclair
     Vector, Mar 1999Alison Sinclair
     Vector, Mar 1997
  Body of Glass  - Marge Piercy
     Vector, Aug 1993
  The Brentford Triangle  - Robert Rankin
     Vector, Oct 1992
  A Bridge of Years  - Robert Charles Wilson
     Vector, Aug 1994
  Brother Termite  - Patricia Anthony
     Vector, Sep 1995
  Cade 1: Galaxy's Edge  - Douglas Hill
     Vector, Aug 1996
  Celestial Dogs  - Jay Russell
     Vector, Feb 1996
  The Committed Men  - M. John Harrison
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1989
  Core  - Paul Preuss
     Vector, Aug 1996
  Correspondence  - Sue Thomas
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1992
  Crown of Stars  - James Tiptree, Jr
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1990
  Dead Girls  - Richard Calder
     Vector, Dec 1993
  Death Count  - L. A. Graf
     Vector, Feb 1993
  The Devil's Maze  - Gerald Suster
     Vector, Apr 1994
  The Difference Engine  - William GibsonBruce Sterling
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1991
  Dinosaur Summer  - Greg Bear
     Vector, Jan 1999
  Donnerjack  - Roger ZelaznyJane Lindskold
     Vector, Nov 1997
  Dry Water  - Eric S. Nylund
     Vector, Sep 1998Eric S. Nylund
     Vector, May 1997
  Eternity  - Greg Bear
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1990
  Flesh and Gold  - Phyllis Gotlieb
     Vector, Jan 1998
  The Ghost from the Grand Banks  - Arthur C. Clarke
     Vector, Apr 1993
  Heartfire  - Orson Scott Card
     Vector, Sep 1998
  The Heirs of Hammerfell  - Marion Zimmer Bradley
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1991
  A Heroine of the World  - Tanith Lee
     Vector, Jul 1995
  Holy Fire  - Bruce Sterling
     Vector, Nov 1996
  House of Lost Dreams  - Graham Joyce
     Vector, Apr 1994
  The House on Nazareth Hill  - Ramsey Campbell
     Vector, May 1997
  I, Arnold  - Phil Janes
     Vector, Sum 1995
  In the Valley of the Statues  - Robert Holdstock
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1988
  The Incomer  - Margaret Elphinstone
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1987
  Jericho Falls  - Christopher Hyde
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1989
  Jizz  - John Hart
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1992
  Legacy  - Greg Bear
     Vector, Sep 1995
  The Legend of Deathwalker  - David Gemmell
     Vector, Aug 1996
  Lethal Kisses (Edited)  - Ellen Datlow
     Vector, Jul 1997
  Little Boy Lost  - T. M. Wright
     Vector, Apr 1993
  Merlin and the Last Trump  - Colin Webber
     Vector, Jun 1993
  Montezuma's Pearl  - David Lee Jones
     Vector, Sum 1995
  Mystica  - Julia Taylor-Stanley
     Vector, Feb 1993
  New Gulliver or, The Adventures of Lemuel Gulliver Jr in Capovolta  - Esme Dodderidge
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1988
  Orion Arm  - Julian May
     Vector, Jul 1999
  Panic  - Chris Curry
     Vector, Sep 1995
  Perseus Spur  - Julian May
     Vector, Nov 1998
  The Perseus Spur  - Julian May
     Vector, Jul 1999
  Pollen  - Jeff Noon
     Vector, Sep 1995
  Portent  - James Herbert
     Vector, Dec 1992
  The Queen of the Damned  - Anne Rice
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1990
  Rama II  - Arthur C. ClarkeGentry Lee
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1991
  Ray Bradbury's Dinosaur Series Book 5: Dinosaur Empire  - Stephen LeighJohn J. Miller
     Vector, Sum 1995
  Red Orc's Rage  - Philip Jose Farmer
     Vector, Oct 1993
  Richter 10  - Arthur C. ClarkeMike McQuay
     Vector, Mar 1997
  Rim  - Alexander Besher
     Vector, Dec 1995
  Ronan the Barbarian  - James Bibby
     Vector, Sum 1995
  Sensational Cyber Stories (Edited)  - Tony Bradman
     Vector, Mar 1998
  Shadowrun: Streets of Blood  - Carl SargentMarc Gascoigne
     Vector, Jun 1993
  Six Moon Dance  - Sheri S. Tepper
     Vector, Jul 1999
  Star Beast  - Will Baker
     Vector, Aug 1996
  Star Rider  - Doris Piserchia
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1987
  Star Trek: The Next Generation - Beginnings  - Mike CarlinPablo MarcosCarlos GarzonArne StarrCarl Gafford
     Vector, Sep 1995
  Star Wars: Children of the Jedi  - Barbara Hambly
     Vector, Sep 1996
  Star Wars: Splinter of the Mind's Eye  - Alan Dean Foster
     Vector, Sep 1996
  Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia  - Dave Wolverton
     Vector, Aug 1994
  Strange Highways  - Dean Koontz
     Vector, Sep 1996
  Streamskelter  - Simon Harding
     Vector, Jun 1994
  Suckers  - Anne Billson
     Vector, Feb 1993
  The Sundered Worlds  - Michael Moorcock
     Vector, Apr 1993
  Sword and Sorceress 1 (Edited)  - Marion Zimmer Bradley
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1988
  Taltos and the Paths of the Dead  - Steven Brust
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1991
  The Alien Years  - Robert Silverberg
     Vector, May 1998
  The Light Fantastic: The Graphic Novel  - Terry PratchettScott RockwellSteven RossJoe Bennett
     Vector, Feb 1994
  This Dark Paradise  - Wendy Haley
     Vector, Spr 1995
  Timelike Infinity  - Stephen Baxter
     Vector, Feb 1993
  A Town Like Alfred  - Frederick Lane
     Vector, Nov 1996
  Vacuum Diagrams  - Stephen Baxter
     Vector, Jul 1997
  Virtual Light  - William Gibson
     Vector, Spr 1995
  Virtual Zen  - Ray Nelson
     Vector, Jan 1997
  The Web: Lightstorm  - Peter F. Hamilton
     Vector, Jul 1998
  The Web: Sorceress  - Maggie Furey
     Vector, Jul 1998
  When the Gods Are Silent  - Jane Lindskold
     Vector, Nov 1997
  Woman on the Edge of Time  - Marge Piercy
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1987
  The World Jones Made  - Philip K. Dick
     Vector, Aug 1994

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.