Vector, November/December 1996

Editor(s): Tony Cullen  Andrew M. Butler  Gary S. Dalkin  Paul Kincaid  Tanya Brown 
Pages: 36, A4
Price: £2.25
Notes: #190, Roles: Editor, Features, Features, Hardback Reviews, Paperback Reviews

  Awards: What are they good for ...? - Gary S. Dalkin 

   - Sarah Golder 
   - David Curl 
   - Mike Mason 
   - Chris Hill 
   - Jack Hughes 
   - Alan K. Coogan 

  A Kim Stanley Robinson Select Bibliography of individual First Edition US and GB volumes - Andrew M. Butler 
  1996: A Year of Futures Past - John Ashbrook 
  Magic & Realism: The Films of Terry Gilliam - Dave M. Roberts 
  Queer New World? Derek Jarman's SF - Bob Ford 
  Cognitive Mapping, 5: Space - Paul Kincaid 

Book Reviews by Chris Amies
  The Bloody Red Baron - Kim Newman 
  Fabulous Harbours - Michael Moorcock 

Book Reviews by Andrew Adams
  Robot Blues - Margaret Weis  Don Perrin 

Book Reviews by Graham Andrews
  Raptor Red - Robert T. Bakker 
  Deathstalker Rebellion - Simon R. Green 
  Conan the Invincible - Robert Jordan 
  Conan the Defender - Robert Jordan 
  Mirror of Destiny - Andre Norton 
  The Oathbound Wizard - Christopher Stasheff 

Book Reviews by Susan Badham
  Shadow Moon - George Lucas  Chris Claremont 

Book Reviews by K. V. Bailey
  Scenting Hallowed Blood - Storm Constantine 
  Strandloper - Alan Garner 
  The Hedge of Mist - Patricia Kennealy-Morrison 
  Days of Bitter Strength - David Wingrove 

Book Reviews by Cherith Baldry
  Witches' Brew - Terry Brooks 
  Lethe - Tricia Sullivan 
  Arcady - Michael Williams 

Book Reviews by Colin Bird
  The Black Dragon - Chris Claremont  John Bolton 
  Star Wartz - Patrick Tilley 
  World War: Upsetting the Balance - Harry Turtledove 

Book Reviews by Lynne Bispham
  Game's End - Sharon Green 

Book Reviews by Tanya Brown
  The Tough Guide to Fantasyland - Diana Wynne Jones 
  Naked in Death - J. D. Robb 

Book Reviews by Jane Carnall
  Invader - C. J. Cherryh 

Book Reviews by Gary S. Dalkin
  Sacrament - Clive Barker 
  A Land Fit for Heroes, Volume 4: The Burning Forest - Phillip Mann 

Book Reviews by Barbara Davies
  The Pavilion of Frozen Women - S. P. Somtow 

Book Reviews by Alan Fraser
  A Land Fit for Heroes, Volume 3: The Dragon Wakes - Phillip Mann 
  The Knights of the Black Earth - Margaret Weis  Don Perrin 

Book Reviews by Helen Claire Gould
  The Nature of Smoke - Anne Harris 
  Whiteout - Sage Walker 

Book Reviews by Kay Hancox
  The X-Files: Ground Zero - Kevin J. Anderson 

Book Reviews by L. J. Hurst
  The Mystery of Bill Bamm's Golfman from Mabbil - Bill Bamm 

Book Reviews by Paul Kincaid
  Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman 
  The Sandman: Book of Dreams (Edited) - Neil Gaiman  Ed Kramer 

Book Reviews by Vikki Lee
  Beyond Ragnarok - Mickey Zucker Reichert 

Book Reviews by Pat McMurray
  Vaneglory - George Turner 

Book Reviews by Andy Mills
  A Town Like Alfred - Frederick Lane 
  Holy Fire - Bruce Sterling 

Book Reviews by John Newsinger
  Firestar - Michael F. Flynn 

Book Reviews by Joseph Nicholas
  Helliconia - Brian W. Aldiss 
  Excession - Iain M. Banks 

Book Reviews by John D. Owen
  The Star Fraction - Ken MacLeod 

Book Reviews by Steve Palmer
  Escape Velocity - Mark Dery 

Book Reviews by Stephen Payne
  The Death Prayer - David Bowker 
  Hard Questions - Ian Watson 

Book Reviews by Sebastian Phillips
  Black Rock - Steve Harris 
  Lucy's Child - Shaun Hutson 
  Black Lightning - John Saul 

Book Reviews by Mark Plummer
  Isaac Asimov's Utopia - Roger MacBride Allen 
  The Order War - L. E. Modesitt, Jr 

Book Reviews by Liam Proven
  Mortal Remains, or Heirs of the Noosphere - Christopher Evans 
  Sandman: The Kindly Ones - Neil Gaiman 

Book Reviews by Andy Sawyer
  The Difference Engine - William Gibson  Bruce Sterling 

Book Reviews by Brian Stableford
  Contagion - Robin Cook 

Book Reviews by Kathy Taylor
  Cybercats - Garry Kilworth 

Book Reviews by Sue Thomason
  Terry Pratchett's Mort: The Play - Stephen Briggs 
  Terry Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters: The Play - Stephen Briggs 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.