Barbara Davies


  Second Coming (drabble) 
     Focus, Jun 1993


  1990: The Five Best Books 
     Vector, Jun 1991
  Almost Gold (Interzone #67, Aboriginal #35/6) 
     Vector, Feb 1993
  Best of 1988: Reviewers' Choice 
     Vector, Feb 1989
  Books of the Year 1985 
     Vector, Feb 1986
  Books of the Year: 1987 
     Vector, Apr 1988
  Books of the Year: 1989 
     Vector, Apr 1990
  Reviewers' Choice: The Best Books of 1991 
     Vector, Apr 1992


     Vector, Feb 1991
     Vector, Oct 1987
  The BSFA's Magazine Chain 
     Matrix, Jan 2002
     Matrix, Jan 2002

Book Reviews

  Abandonati  - Garry Kilworth
     Vector, Apr 1989
  Ancient Light  - Mary Gentle
     Vector, Feb 1988
  Ancient of Days  - Michael Bishop
     Vector, Apr 1988
  The Anvil of Ice  - Michael Scott Rohan
     Vector, Aug 1986
  Araminta Station  - Jack Vance
     Vector, Apr 1988
  Bad Dreams  - Kim Newman
     Vector, Apr 1991
  The Barsoom Project  - Larry NivenSteven Barnes
     Vector, Oct 1990
  Beyond Uhura  - Nichelle Nichols
     Vector, Aug 1996
  The Black Ship  - Christopher Rowley
     Vector, Jun 1987
  Castles  - Alan LeeDavid Day
     Vector, Feb 1986
  China Mountain Zhang  - Maureen F. McHugh
     Vector, Spr 1995
  The Crystal Palace  - Phyllis Eisenstein
     Vector, Aug 1991
  Daughter of the Empire  - Raymond E. FeistJanny Wurts
     Vector, Oct 1987
  Days of Bitter Strength  - David Wingrove
     Vector, Dec 1995
  The Dragon in the Stone  - Allan Scott
     Vector, Oct 1991
  The Edge of Vengeance  - Jenny Jones
     Vector, Aug 1991
  Engineman  - Eric Brown
     Vector, Spr 1995
  Equal Rites  - Terry Pratchett
     Vector, Apr 1987
  The Fall of the Families  - Phillip Mann
     Vector, Aug 1987
  Feet of Clay  - Terry Pratchett
     Vector, Sep 1996
  A Fisherman of the Inland Sea  - Ursula K. Le Guin
     Vector, May 1997
  Frost Dancers  - Garry Kilworth
     Vector, Oct 1992
  The Golden Horde  - Peter Morwood
     Vector, Aug 1993
  The Great Hunt  - Robert Jordan
     Vector, Aug 1991
  Hermetech  - Storm Constantine
     Vector, Jun 1991
  The Hidden Side of the Moon  - Joanna Russ
     Vector, Aug 1989
  Higher Education  - Charles SheffieldJerry Pournelle
     Vector, Aug 1996
  Hunter's Moon  - Garry Kilworth
     Vector, Jun 1989
  I, Vampire  - Jody Scott
     Vector, Dec 1986
  The Ice King  - Michael Scot
     Vector, Jun 1986
  In the Red Lord's Reach  - Phyllis Eisenstein
     Vector, Dec 1992
  Intervention  - Julian May
     Vector, Feb 1988
  Kaleidoscope Century  - John Barnes
     Vector, Sep 1995
  King of the Dead  - R. A. MacAvoy
     Vector, Jun 1992
  Lady in Gil  - Rebecca Bradley
     Vector, Jan 1997
  The Last of the Renshai  - Mickey Zucker Reichert
     Vector, Apr 1993
  The Light Fantastic  - Terry Pratchett
     Vector, Oct 1986
  Machine Sex and Other Stories  - Candas Jane Dorsey
     Vector, Feb 1991
  Magic Kingdom For Sale: Sold  - Terry Brooks
     Vector, Dec 1986
  Man from Mundania  - Piers Anthony
     Vector, Apr 1991
  Master of Paxwax  - Phillip Mann
     Vector, Oct 1986
  Matter's End  - Gregory Benford
     Vector, Sep 1996
  Millennium  - John Varley
     Vector, Jun 1985
  Mindsail  - Anne Gay
     Vector, Oct 1990
  The Mistress of Silence  - Josephine Harpman
     Vector, Jul 1997
  The Monstrous Regiment  - Storm Constantine
     Vector, Jun 1990
  Motherlines  - Suzy McKee Charnas
     Vector, Feb 1990
  Moving Moosevan  - Jane Palmer
     Vector, Feb 1991
  Night Maze  - Annie Dalton
     Vector, Oct 1989
  The Other Sinbad  - Craig Shaw Gardner
     Vector, Aug 1991
  Otherland: City of Golden Shadow  - Tad Williams
     Vector, Jul 1997
  The Pavilion of Frozen Women  - S. P. Somtow
     Vector, Nov 1996
  The People Collection  - Zenna Henderson
     Vector, Oct 1991
  Phases in Chaos (Edited)  - Martin H. Greenberg
     Vector, Oct 1991
  Piper at the Gates of Dawn  - Mary Stanton
     Vector, Apr 1990
  Prelude to Foundation  - Isaac Asimov
     Vector, Feb 1989
  A Quantum Murder  - Peter F. Hamilton
     Vector, Jun 1994
  Redwall  - Brian Jacques
     Vector, Feb 1987
  The Roof of Voyaging  - Garry Kilworth
     Vector, Mar 1997
  The Sable Moon  - Nancy Springer
     Vector, Aug 1985
  Salamander's Fire  - Brian Stableford
     Vector, Aug 1996
  Serpent's Blood  - Brian Stableford
     Vector, Sum 1995
  Snow White, Blood Red (Edited)  - Ellen DatlowTerri Windling
     Vector, Feb 1994
  The Synthetics  - Karen Clark
     Vector, Aug 1989
  Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea  - Ursula K. Le Guin
     Vector, Apr 1991
  Terminal Velocity  - Bob Shaw
     Vector, Dec 1991
  To Green Angel Tower  - Tad Williams
     Vector, Jun 1993
  Unquenchable Fire  - Rachel Pollack
     Vector, Oct 1988
  Viriconium Nights  - M. John Harrison
     Vector, Oct 1985
  Walk to the End of the World  - Suzy McKee Charnas
     Vector, Feb 1990
  The Western Wizard  - Mickey Zucker Reichert
     Vector, Aug 1993
  Who Made Stevie Crye?  - Michael Bishop
     Vector, Apr 1988
  Winter of the Wolf  - R. A. MacAvoy
     Vector, Oct 1993
  Winterwood and Other Hauntings  - Keith Roberts
     Vector, Feb 1990
  The Witch in the Cave  - Martin H. Brice
     Vector, Oct 1986
  Women as Demons  - Tanith Lee
     Vector, Aug 1989

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.