Raymond E. Feist

Books Reviewed

  A Darkness at Sethanon 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1988 by Andy Sawyer
     Vector, Dec 1986 by Helen McNabb
  Daughter of the Empire  with Janny Wurts 
     Vector, Oct 1987 by Barbara Davies
  Faerie Tale 
     Vector, Feb 1989 by John Newsinger
  Flight of the Nighthawks 
     Vector, Jan 2006 by Vikki Lee
     Vector, Jul 2006 by Vikki Lee
  Honoured Enemy  with William Fortschen 
     Vector, Nov 2001 by Vikki Lee
  The King's Buccaneer 
     Vector, Feb 1993 by Jim England
  Krondor: Tear of the Gods 
     Vector, Mar 2001 by Vikki Lee
  Krondor: the Assassins 
     Vector, Jan 2000 by Vikki Lee
  Krondor: The Betrayal 
     Vector, Mar 1999 by Graham Andrews
  Murder in LaMut  with Joel Rosenberg 
     Vector, Sep 2002 by Vikki Lee
  Prince of the Blood 
     Vector, Apr 1990 by Terry Broome
  Rage of a Demon King 
     Vector, Jul 1998 by Alan Fraser
     Vector, Sep 1997 by Janet Barron
  Rise of a Merchant Prince 
     Vector, Aug 1996 by Jon Wallace
  Rise of a Merchant Prince: The Serpentwar Trilogy Volume 2 
     Vector, Sep 1996 by Alan Fraser
  Shadow of a Dark Queen 
     Vector, Sum 1995 by Cherith Baldry
     Vector, Spr 1995 by Lynne Bispham
  Shards of a Broken Crown 
     Vector, May 1999 by Alan Fraser
     Vector, Jul 1998 by Alan Fraser
  Silver Thorn 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1987 by Paul J. McAuley
  Talon of the Silver Hawk 
     Vector, Nov 2002 by Vikki Lee

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.