Phillip Mann


  The Rocking of the Boat 
     Focus, Aut 1983

Books Reviewed

  Escape to the Wild Wood 
     Vector, Oct 1993 by Ian Sales
  The Eye of the Queen 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1989 by Paul Kincaid
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1984 by Nik Morton
     Vector, Feb 1983 by Martyn Taylor
  The Fall of the Families 
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1989 by Neale Vickery
     Vector, Aug 1987 by Barbara Davies
  A Land Fit for Heroes 2: Stand Alone Stan 
     Vector, Spr 1995 by Ian Sales
  A Land Fit for Heroes, Volume 1: Escape to the Wild Wood 
     Vector, Aug 1994 by Alan Fraser
  A Land Fit for Heroes, Volume 2: Stand Alone Stan 
     Vector, Sep 1995 by John D. Owen
  A Land Fit for Heroes, Volume 3: The Dragon Wakes 
     Vector, Nov 1996 by Alan Fraser
     Vector, Dec 1995 by Gary S. Dalkin
  A Land Fit for Heroes, Volume 4: The Burning Forest 
     Vector, Nov 1996 by Gary S. Dalkin
  Master of Paxwax 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1989 by Paul Kincaid
     Vector, Oct 1993 by Chris Amies
     Vector, Oct 1986 by Barbara Davies
     Vector, Feb 1989 by Neale Vickery
     Vector, Jun 1991 by Maureen Speller
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1992 by John Newsinger

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.