Vector, June/July 1992

Editor(s): Catie Cary  Kev McVeigh  Chris Amies 
Pages: 24
Price: £1.25p
Notes: #167, Roles: Editor, Contributing, Reviews

  New Roses - Kev McVeigh 
   - Catie Cary 

   - Garry Kilworth 
   - Ken Lake 
   - Andy Robertson 
   - Jim England 
   - Steve Palmer 
   - Peter Tennant 
   - Philip Muldowney 

  Being Unfair to Asimov - Norman Beswick 
  Asimov: A Man and His Work - L. J. Hurst 
  Fossils or Figments - Gillian Rooke 
  Insight: Everything (Almost) Explained - Steve Palmer 

  Correspondence Course - Sue Thomas  by Andy Sawyer
   - Mike Jefferies  by Kev McVeigh

   - Mike Jefferies 
   - Claire Willoughby 
   - Peggy Ramsden 

Book Reviews by Chris Amies
  Body of Glass - Marge Piercy 

Book Reviews by K. V. Bailey
  Searoad - Ursula K. Le Guin 

Book Reviews by Martin Brice
  The Sapphire Rose - David Eddings 
  The Winds of the Wastelands - Anthony Swithin 

Book Reviews by Catie Cary
  And The Angels Sing - Kate Wilhelm 

Book Reviews by Frances Church
  Chimeras - Christopher Evans 

Book Reviews by Barbara Davies
  King of the Dead - R. A. MacAvoy 

Book Reviews by Lynne Fox
  Brainchild - George Turner 

Book Reviews by Valerie Housden
  Yarrow - Charles de Lint 

Book Reviews by Tom A. Jones
  Burying the Shadow - Storm Constantine 

Book Reviews by John Newsinger
  Ecce and Old Earth - Jack Vance 

Book Reviews by Darroll Pardoe
  Looking for the Aliens - Peter Hough  Jenny Randles 

Book Reviews by Maureen Speller
  Jack the Bodiless - Julian May 

Book Reviews by Charles Stross
  Hearts, Hands and Voices - Ian McDonald 

Book Reviews by Martyn Taylor
  Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede - Bradley Denton 

Book Reviews by Martin Waller
  Dayworld Breakup - Philip Jose Farmer 

Book Reviews by Martin R. Webb
  Hideaway - Dean R. Koontz 
  Blood Games - Richard Laymon 
  And Disregards the Rest - Paul Voermans 
  Wolfking - Bridget Wood 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.