William Gibson


  Homo-eroticism, Llamas & (a little bit about) the C-Word  with Bruce Sterling 
     Vector, Feb 1991 by Kev McVeigh
  Horribly Real 
     Vector, Jun 1994 by Maureen Speller

Books Reviewed

  The Art of The X-Files 
     Vector, Mar 1999 by John D. Owen
  Burning Chrome 
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1988 by Maureen Porter
     Vector, Jun 1987 by David V. Barrett
     Vector, Dec 1986 by Mike Dickinson
  Count Zero 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1987 by Maureen Porter
     Vector, Aug 1986 by Mike Dickinson
  The Difference Engine  with Bruce Sterling 
     Vector, Nov 1996 by Andy Sawyer
     Vector, Dec 1990 by Edward James
     Vector, Sep 2003 by Dave M. Roberts
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1991 by Andy Mills
     Vector, Mar 1997 by L. J. Hurst
  Mona Lisa Overdrive 
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1990 by Boyd Parkinson
     Vector, Oct 1988 by Paul Kincaid
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1986 by Martyn Taylor
     Vector, Jul 1995 by Paul Kincaid
  Virtual Light 
     Vector, Spr 1995 by Andy Mills
     Vector, Feb 1994 by Catie Cary

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.