Maureen Porter

See also:  Maureen Kincaid Speller 


  Arthur C. Clarke Award 1989 
     Vector, Apr 1990
  Best of 1988: Arthur C. Clarke Award 
     Vector, Feb 1989
  Best of 1988: Reviewers' Choice 
     Vector, Feb 1989
  Books of the Year: 1987 
     Vector, Apr 1988
  The BSFA Profile: Andy Sawyer 
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1986
  Collating for the Curious 
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1987
  A Cynic's glossary to bookselling terms  with Stan Nicholls 
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
  Fantasycon XI - 26th-28th September, Birmingham 
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Aug 1986
  Unconventional! Beccon 85 
     Matrix, Dec 1985
     Matrix, Dec 1985
  What Future for Matrix? 
     Matrix, Jun 1986
     Matrix, Jun 1986


  Competition Corner (M73 answers, M74 competition)  with Elizabeth Sourbut 
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Feb 1988
  Competition Corner (M74 answers, M75 competition)  with Elizabeth Sourbut 
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Apr 1988
  Fire & Hemlock: Fanzine News & Listings 
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1987
  Fire & Hemlock: Magazine Listings 
     Matrix, Jun 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988
  Fire & Hemlock: The Fanzine Column 
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1988
  News  with Dave Hodson  & Paul Kincaid 
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Aug 1986
  News  with Stan Nicholls  & Paul Kincaid 
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1987
  News  with Paul Kincaid 
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1987
  The Periodic Table 
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1988
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988
  Walking on Glass: The BSFA Column 
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1990
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1990


     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988


  Red Shift 
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1986
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1986
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988
     Matrix, Oct 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1988
     Matrix, Apr 1988
     Matrix, Jun 1988

Film Reviews

  Children of Green Knows,The (TV) 
     Matrix, Feb 1987
     Matrix, Feb 1987
  The Human Factor (TV) 
     Matrix, Dec 1987
     Matrix, Dec 1987
  Owl Service,The (TV) 
     Matrix, Aug 1987
     Matrix, Aug 1987

Book Reviews

  Always Coming Home  - Ursula K. Le Guin
     Vector, Dec 1986
  Amy's Eyes  - Richard Kennedy
     Vector, Aug 1986
  Ancient Light  - Mary Gentle
     Vector, Feb 1988
  Arabesques (Edited)  - Susan Shwartz
     Vector, Oct 1988
  The Arabian Nightmare  - Robert Irwin
     Vector, Dec 1987
  A Bag of Moonshine  - Alan Garner
     Vector, Apr 1987
  Beowulf (Ad)  - Julian Glover
     Vector, Feb 1988
  The Best Fantasy and Horror 2 (Edited)  - Ellen DatlowTerri Windling
     Vector, Jun 1990
  Best New Science Fiction (Edited)  - Gardner Dozois
     Vector, Feb 1988
  Best New SF 2 (Edited)  - Gardner Dozois
     Vector, Feb 1989
  Best SF of the Year 16 (Edited)  - Terry Carr
     Vector, Feb 1988
  Blue Fruit  - Adam Lively
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1990
  The Bone People  - Keri Hulme
     Vector, Apr 1986
  The Book of the Night  - Rhoda Lerman
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1986
  Burning Chrome  - William Gibson
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1988
  Castles in the Air  - Diana Wynne Jones
     Vector, Dec 1990
  The Centauri Device  - M. John Harrison
     Vector, Feb 1987
  The Ceremonies  - T. E. D. Klein
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1986
  The Chimney Witches  - Victoria Whitehead
     Vector, Feb 1987
  The Coming of the King  - Nikolai Tolstoy
     Vector, Jun 1988
  Companions on the Road/East of Midnight  - Tanith Lee
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1988
  Consider Phlebas  - Iain M. Banks
     Vector, Aug 1987
  Count Zero  - William Gibson
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1987
  Dark Toys and Consumer Goods  - Laurence Staig
     Vector, Dec 1989
  The Day of Forever  - J. G. Ballard
     Vector, Aug 1986
  The Daymaker  - Ann Halam
     Vector, Aug 1987
  The Digging Leviathan  - James P. Blaylock
     Vector, Apr 1989
  Digital Vampires  - Laurence Staig
     Vector, Dec 1989
  Don't Panic: The Official Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Universe Companion  - Neil Gaiman
     Vector, Apr 1988
  Dracula's Blood (Edited)  - Richard Dalby
     Vector, Dec 1989
  The Dragon Hoard  - Tanith Lee
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1989
  The Dream Years  - Lisa Goldstein
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1986
  Fire and Hemlock  - Diana Wynne Jones
     Vector, Apr 1986
  The Folk of the Air  - Peter S. Beagle
     Vector, Dec 1987
  Forgotten Life  - Brian W. Aldiss
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1990
  The Ghost Now Standing on Platform One (Edited)  - Richard Peyton
     Vector, Dec 1990
  Good Omens  - Terry PratchettNeil Gaiman
     Vector, Oct 1990
  Hardwired  - Walter Jon Williams
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1988
  Hidden Turnings (Edited)  - Diana Wynne Jones
     Vector, Aug 1989
  Homunculus  - James P. Blaylock
     Vector, Apr 1989
  The Hounds of the Morrigan  - Pat O'Shea
     Vector, Apr 1986
  The Hour of the Thin Ox  - Colin Greenland
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1988
  Howl's Moving Castle  - Diana Wynne Jones
     Vector, Feb 1987
  The Illustrated J. S. Le Fanu  - J. S. Le Fanu
     Vector, Feb 1989
  The Initiate  - Louise Cooper
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1986
  Islands Out of Time  - William Irwin
     Vector, Jun 1987
  Jackaroo  - Cynthia Voigt
     Vector, Aug 1988
  King Death's Garden  - Ann Halam
     Vector, Feb 1987
  Land of Dreams  - James P. Blaylock
     Vector, Apr 1989
  Life During Wartime  - Lucius Shepard
     Vector, Aug 1988
  The Limits of Vision  - Robert Irwin
     Vector, Oct 1986
  The Lives of Christopher Chant  - Diana Wynne Jones
     Vector, Oct 1988
  The Network  - Laurence Staig
     Vector, Dec 1989
  Neverness  - David Zindell
     Vector, Jun 1989
  Not Wanted on the Voyage  - Timothy Findley
     Vector, Aug 1986
  The Orbit Science Fiction Yearbook Two (Edited)  - David S. Garnett
     Vector, Jun 1990
  The Orbit Science Fiction Yerabook (Edited)  - David S. Garnett
     Vector, Feb 1989
  Passing for Human  - Jody Scott
     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1986
  The Penguin Book of Vampire Stories (Edited)  - Alan Ryan
     Vector, Apr 1989
  The Player of Games  - Iain M. Banks
     Vector, Dec 1988
  Prince on a White Horse  - Tanith Lee
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1989
  Queen of the States  - Josephine Saxton
     Vector, Aug 1986
  Scholars and Soldiers  - Mary Gentle
     Vector, Jun 1990
  The Skybreaker  - Ann Halam
     Vector, Apr 1991
  Staring at the Sun  - Julian Barnes
     Vector, Jun 1987
  Tailchaser's Song  - Tad Williams
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1986
  The Treason of Isengard  - J. R. R. Tolkien
     Vector, Feb 1990
  The Tricksters  - Margaret Mahy
     Vector, Oct 1986
  The Two of Them  - Joanna Russ
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1987
  The Unconquered Country  - Geoff Ryman
     Vector, Dec 1986
  Violent Cases  - Neil GaimanDave McKean
     Vector, Apr 1988
  The Watcher  - Jane Palmer
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1987
  Wild Robert  - Diana Wynne Jones
     Vector, Dec 1990
  The Winter Players  - Tanith Lee
     Paperback Inferno, Apr 1989
  Wolf's Brother  - Megan Lindholm
     Paperback Inferno, Feb 1990

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.