Vector, October 1982

Editor(s): Geoff Rippington  Joseph Nicholas  Paul Kincaid 
Pages: 48, A5
Price: 75p
Notes: #110

  Hype Anxiety - Steve Gallagher 
  Apropos: The White Bird of Kinship - Richard Cowper 
  Into the Arena: Acknowledging Debts - Josephine Saxton 
  2001: The Creation of a Modern Mythology - Peter Stockill 

   - Andy Sawyer 
   - I. Wright 
   - Jeremy Crampton 
   - Eric Brown 
   - Mark Greener 
   - Mike Lewis 
   - Andrew Sutherland 
   - Martyn Taylor 
   - Nick Lowe 
   - Jim England 
   - Philip Collins 
   - David Barrett 
   - Mark Hewlett 

   - Alan Hunter 

Book Reviews by David Penn
  Serpent's Reach - C. J. Cherryh 

Book Reviews by Jim England
  Starburst - Frederik Pohl 

Book Reviews by John Hobson
  Pzyche - Amanda Hemingway 

Book Reviews by David Langford
  Friday - Robert A. Heinlein 

Book Reviews by Sue Thomason
  The Space Eater - David Langford 

Book Reviews by Paul Kincaid
  No Enemy But Time - Michael Bishop 

Book Reviews by Nik Morton
  Mission - Patrick Tilley 

Book Reviews by George Hay
  Memory of Tomorrow - Marc Fingal 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.