  Torque Control - Niall Harrison 

  Vector Reviewer's Poll: The Best Books of 2007 - Kari Sperring 
  The Best Books of 2007 - James Bacon 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Paul Bateman 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Liz Batty 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Lynne Bispham 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Claire Brialey 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Tanya Brown 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Stuart Carter 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Nicola Clarke 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Gary S. Dalkin 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Chris Hill 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Penny Hill 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Tom Hunter 
  The Best Books of 2007 - L. J. Hurst 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Steve Jeffery 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Tony Keen 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Paul Kincaid 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Martin McGrath 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Kev McVeigh 
  The Best Books of 2007 - John Newsinger 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Martin Potts 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Paul Raven 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Dave M. Roberts 
  The Best Books of 2007 - Sue Thomason 
  Threes and 2007's: the films of 2007 - Colin Odell  Mitch Le Blanc 
  Transmission, Interrupted: TV of 2007, 1: Fall Out - Saxon Bullock 
  In Conversation: Logic and Loving Books - Laurie J. Marks  Kelly Link 
  Ken Slater 1918-2008 - uncredited 

  Foundation Favourites: R. C. Churchill's A Short History of the Future - Andy Sawyer 
  Resonances - Stephen Baxter 
  The New X: Bacon and Eggs, Please - Graham Sleight 

Book Reviews by James Bacon
  Da Da De Da Da Code - Robert Rankin 

Book Reviews by Cherith Baldry
  Mirrorscape - Mike Wilks 

Book Reviews by Paul Bateman
  Doomsday Men - P. D. Smith 

Book Reviews by Lynne Bispham
  The Long Price - Daniel Abraham 

Book Reviews by Stuart Carter
  Matter - Iain M. Banks 
  The Electric Church - Jeff Somers 

Book Reviews by Nic Clarke
  Postsingular - Rudy Rucker 

Book Reviews by Ben Jeapes
  The Fade - Chris Wooding 

Book Reviews by Steve Jeffery
  HARM - Brian Aldiss 

Book Reviews by Tony Keen
  Navigator - Stephen Baxter 

Book Reviews by Paul Kincaid
  Worlds Apart: An Anthology of Russian Fantasy & Science Fiction (Edited) - Alexander Levitsky 

Book Reviews by Martin McGrath
  The Terror - Dan Simmons 

Book Reviews by Colin (& Mitch Le Blanc) Odell
  Heaven's Net is Wide - Lian Hearn 
  The Twilight Watch - Sergei Lukyanenko 

Book Reviews by Martin Potts
  The Dreaming Void - Peter F. Hamilton 

Book Reviews by Paul Raven
  Dagger Key and Other Stories - Lucius Shepard 

Book Reviews by Dave M. Roberts
  Prador Moon - Neal Asher 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.