Matrix, December 1978
John Harvey
Eve Harvey
Pages: 40, A4
Notes: #21
Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing ... -
John Harvey
Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing ... -
John Harvey
Why I'm a Fan? -
Paul Kincaid
Why I'm a Fan? -
Paul Kincaid
The BSFA File -
Tom A. Jones
The BSFA File -
Tom A. Jones
News -
Newshounds of the BSFA
News -
Newshounds of the BSFA
Decadence in Birmingham -
David Langford
Decadence in Birmingham -
David Langford
Masochist's Waltz -
Steev Higgins
Masochist's Waltz -
Steev Higgins
Focus on Fanzines -
Alan Dorey
Focus on Fanzines -
Alan Dorey
Focus on Fanzines -
Roger Waddington
Focus on Fanzines -
Roger Waddington
Focus on Fanzines: Reality Plus -
Steven J. Green
Focus on Fanzines: Reality Plus -
Steven J. Green
What Are They Doing Now? -
Paul Fraser
What Are They Doing Now? -
Paul Fraser
Round the Clubs (FOKT) -
Bill Little
Round the Clubs (FOKT) -
Bill Little
Sandy Brown
Sandy Brown
Reply to Sandy Brown -
Ian Garbutt
Reply to Sandy Brown -
Ian Garbutt
William Bains
William Bains
Greg Hills
Greg Hills
Dave Cobbledick
Dave Cobbledick
Philip Muldowney
Philip Muldowney
Phil Rosenblum
Phil Rosenblum
Alex S. Pillai
Alex S. Pillai
Jonathan Coleclough
Jonathan Coleclough
Terry Jeeves
Terry Jeeves
Gwynfor Jones
Gwynfor Jones
Steev Higgins
Steev Higgins
Jim Barker
Jim Barker
Terry Jeeves
Terry Jeeves
Jeff Schalles
Jeff Schalles
Paul Thompson
Paul Thompson
If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.