Vector, December 1982

Editor(s): Geoff Rippington  Joseph Nicholas  Paul Kincaid 
Pages: 40, A5
Price: 75p
Notes: #111

   - Geoff Rippington 

  The Future Is All We've Got Left (20 Aug 1982) - Gregory Benford  by Joseph Nicholas

  Aliens and Knowability: A Scientist's Perspective - Gregory Benford 
  Into the Arena: Some Cultural Notes and Pest Control - Ian Watson 

   - Alan Hunter 

   - Andy Hobbs 
   - Ken Mann 
   - Valerie Housden 
   - Malcolm Edwards 
   - Trevor Howard 
   - Philip Collins 
   - David Piper 
   - Dorothy Davies 
   - Tom Taylor 

Book Reviews by Martyn Taylor
  Return from the Stars - Stanislaw Lem 

Book Reviews by Ann Collier
  The Best of Randall Garrett - Randall Garrett 

Book Reviews by David Langford
  Alien Accounts - John Sladek 
  They'd Rather Be Right - Mark Clifton  Frank Riley 

Book Reviews by Mary Gentle
  This Time of Darkness - H. M. Hoover 

Book Reviews by Nigel Richardson
  Software - Rudy Rucker 

Book Reviews by Jim England
  While There's Hope - John Brunner 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.