Vector, April 1984
Geoff Rippington
Pages: 56, A5
Price: 75p
Notes: #119
Geoff Rippington
Is There a Technological Fix for the Human Condition? -
Gregory Benford
Science and Fiction -
Paul Kincaid
V/BMC Competion Winners and Losers: An Introduction -
Paul Kincaid
Evolution and Revolution: Some Theme-Origins in "The War of the Worlds" -
K. V. Bailey
Living Water: Archetypal Power in "Dune" and "The Drowned World" -
Sue Thomason
"The Citadel of the Autarch", and the New Sun -
Chris Barker
The Material World -
L. J. Hurst
Christopher Evans
by David V. Barrett
Sue Thomason
Robert Gibson
Trevor M. Artingstoll
Terry Broome
Sue Thomason
Joseph Nicholas
Andy Hobbs
Ken Lake
Christopher Priest
Bernard Smith
Simon Ings
David Pringle
Book Reviews by Ken Lake
The Colour of Magic -
Terry Pratchett
If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.