Colin Wilson

Books Reviewed

     Paperback Inferno, Aug 1987 by Andy Sawyer
  The Book of Time  with John Grant 
     Vector, Jun 1980 by David Langford
  The Essential Colin Wilson 
     Paperback Inferno, Jun 1987 by Steven Tew
  The Mammoth Book of the Supernatural 
     Paperback Inferno, Oct 1991 by Andy Sawyer
  Men of Mystery (Edited) 
     Vector, Nov 1977 by David Wingrove
     Paperback Parlour, Aug 1977 by Phil Stephensen-Payne
  The Occult 
     Paperback Parlour, Jun 1978 by Philippa Grove-Stephensen
  The Philosopher's Stone 
     Vector, Spr 1970 by Michael Kenward
     Paperback Parlour, Oct 1978 by Robin Marcus
  The Space Vampires 
     Paperback Parlour, Dec 1977 by Robin Marcus
  Spider World: The Delta 
     Paperback Inferno, Dec 1988 by Andy Sawyer
     Vector, Feb 1988 by Jim England
  Spider World: The Magician 
     Vector, Jun 1993 by L. J. Hurst
  Spider World: The Tower 
     Vector, Apr 1987 by Paul J. McAuley

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.