January, 2020

DatePost TitleAuthorWorkSeries
Fri Jan 3: Jo Walton's Reading List: December 2019 [Post] [Reading List]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Arkady Martine's A Memory Called Empire (2019) [Post] [Arkady Martine] [A Memory Called Empire] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Mimi Matthews's The Work of Art (2019) [Post] [Mimi Matthews] [The Work of Art] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Lord Dunsany's While the Sirens Slept (1944) [Post] [Lord Dunsany] [While the Sirens Slept] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Peter Fleming's One's Company (1934) [Post] [Peter Fleming] [One's Company] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Cyril Hare's Death Walks the Woods (1954) [Post] [Cyril Hare] [Death Walks the Woods] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Gary D. Schmidt's What Came From the Stars (2012) [Post] [Gary D. Schmidt] [What Came From the Stars] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Mike Ashley's The Mammoth Book of Time Travel SF (2014) [Post] [Mike Ashley] [The Mammoth Book of Time Travel SF] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Arthur Hugh Clough's Selected Poems (1859) [Post] [Arthur Hugh Clough] [Selected Poems] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Susan Palwick's The Necessary Beggar (2005) [Post] [Susan Palwick] [The Necessary Beggar] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Kate Harris's Land of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road (2018) [Post] [Kate Harris] [Land of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: C.J. Cherryh's Merchanters Luck (1982) [Post] [C.J. Cherryh] [Merchanters Luck] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Sofka Zinovieff's The Mad Boy, Lord Berners, My Grandmother, and Me (2014) [Post] [Sofka Zinovieff] [The Mad Boy, Lord Berners, My Grandmother, and Me] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Michael Gilbert's Death Has Deep Roots (1951) [Post] [Michael Gilbert] [Death Has Deep Roots] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Anne Hollingsworth Wharton's Italian Days and Ways (1905) [Post] [Anne Hollingsworth Wharton] [Italian Days and Ways] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Stendhal's The Red and the Black (1830) [Post] [Stendhal] [The Red and the Black] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Charlotte M. Yonge's Scenes and Characters (1847) [Post] [Charlotte M. Yonge] [Scenes and Characters] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Rebecca Mead's My Life in Middlemarch (2014) [Post] [Rebecca Mead] [My Life in Middlemarch] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Simon Jimenez's The Vanished Birds (2020) [Post] [Simon Jimenez] [The Vanished Birds] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Caroline Moorehead's Village of Secrets: Defying the Nazis in Vichy France (2014) [Post] [Caroline Moorehead] [Village of Secrets: Defying the Nazis in Vichy France] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Joanna Trollope's Friday Nights (2007) [Post] [Joanna Trollope] [Friday Nights] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Vera Tobin's Elements of Surprise: Our Mental Limits and the Satisfactions of Plot (2019) [Post] [Vera Tobin] [Elements of Surprise: Our Mental Limits and the Satisfactions of Plot] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Ken Liu's Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction (2019) (edited, trans by) [Post] [Ken Liu] [Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: D.E. Stevenson's Mrs Tim Gets a Job (1947) [Post] [D.E. Stevenson] [Mrs Tim Gets a Job] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Muriel Barbery's The Elegance of the Hedgehog (2006) [Post] [Muriel Barbery] [The Elegance of the Hedgehog] [RLE]
Fri Jan 3: RL Entry: Tacitus's The Annals of Imperial Rome (117) [Post] [Tacitus] [The Annals of Imperial Rome] [RLE]

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.