June, 2012

DatePost TitleAuthorWorkSeries
Fri Jun 1: Titles from Poetry: Blake vs Marvell [Post]
Mon Jun 4: Growing Up: Sean Stewart's Nobody's Son [Post] [Sean Stewart] [Nobody's Son]
Thu Jun 7: General Lee's Dreams: Connie Willis's Lincoln's Dreams [Post] [Connie Willis] [Lincoln's Dreams]
Thu Jun 14: Time Travel and the Black Death: Connie Willis's Doomsday Book [Post] [Connie Willis] [Doomsday Book]
Tue Jun 19: The Wonders of Wonderland [Post]
Thu Jun 21: Rothfuss Reread: Speculative Summary 11: Te Rhintae? [Post] [Patrick Rothfuss] [Rothfuss Reread]
Mon Jun 25: Three Short Novels by Connie Willis (Uncharted Territory, Remake, Bellwether) [Post] [Connie Willis] [Uncharted Territory] [Remake] [Bellwether]
Wed Jun 27: The Very Breath of Bronze Age Greece: Mary Renault's The King Must Die [Post] [Mary Renault] [The King Must Die]
Fri Jun 29: Kangaroo Rex: Janet Kagan's Mirabile [Post] [Janet Kagan] [Mirabile]

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.