Paperback Inferno, October 1985

Editor(s): Andy Sawyer 
Pages: 16, A4
Price: 15p
Notes: #56, 52nd issue

  Rust Never Sleeps - Andy Sawyer 

  Magazine Review: Overview (F&SF Jan-Aug 1985) - Chris Bailey 
  The Role of Imaginary Worlds - Andy Sawyer 

   - Tom Jones 
   - Rob Gregg 
   - Mary Gentle 
   - Jack D. Stephen 
   - Mary Gentle 
   - Terry Broome 

Book Reviews by Graham Andrews
  Saraband of Lost Time - Richard Grant 

Book Reviews by Alan Fraser
  The Long Night - Poul Anderson 
  Dramocles: An Intergalactic Soap Opera - Robert Sheckley 

Book Reviews by Mary Gentle
  The Adventures of Terra Tarkington - Sharon Webb 

Book Reviews by Mark Greener
  V: The Pursuit of Diana - Allen Wold 

Book Reviews by L. J. Hurst
  The Hammer of Darkness - L. E. Modesitt, Jr 

Book Reviews by Edward James
  The Warrior Who Carried Life - Geoff Ryman 

Book Reviews by Ken Lake
  Starwolf - Edmond Hamilton 

Book Reviews by Helen McNabb
  The Chronicles of Morgaine - C. J. Cherryh 
  The Frozen Waves - Robert E. Vardeman 

Book Reviews by Andy Sawyer
  The Face of Chaos (Edited) - Robert Asprin  Lynn Abbey 
  Frank Frazetta Book 5 (Edited) - Betty Ballantine 
  Bloodfeud of Altheus - John Butterfield  David Honigmann  Philip Barker 
  Incarnate - Ramsey Campbell 
  The Sentinel - Arthur C. Clarke 
  Cruel Tales - Villiers De Lisle 
  Medea's World (Edited) - Harlan Ellison 
  Appointment with F.E.A.R. - Steve Jackson 
  The Tasks of Tantalon - Steve Jackson  Stephen Lavis 
  Conan the Unconquered - Robert Jordan 
  The Ceremonies - T. E. D. Klein 
  The Red Rocket - Seth McEvoy 
  Heroes of the Equinox - J. C. Mezieres  F. Christin 
  Elric at the End of Time - Michael Moorcock 
  The Wars of Gods and Men - Zacharia Sitchin 
  Falcon 1: The Renegade Lord - Mark Smith  Jamie Thompson 
  Falcon 2: Mechanon - Mark Smith  Jamie Thompson 
  Falcon 3: The Rack of Raal - Mark Smith  Jamie Thompson 
  Falcon 4: Lost in Time - Mark Smith  Jamie Thompson 

Book Reviews by Sue Thomason
  The Werewolf Principle - Clifford D. Simak 
  Why Call Them Back from Heaven? - Clifford D. Simak 

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.