Vector, July/August 1979
David Wingrove
Pages: 24, A4
Price: 75p
Notes: #94, SeaCon '79 Issue
The Android's Dreams -
David Wingrove
This World and Nearer Ones -
Brian W. Aldiss
The Author's Lot -
Brian W. Aldiss
A Leiber Bibliography -
Chris Morgan
Science Fiction and the Cinema -
Steve Gallagher
Filmbooks and Postscripts -
John Brady
Brian W. Aldiss
by Brian Thurogood
Comic Strip
Half-Life -
Jim Barker
Chris Evans
Renzo Sciutto
Book Reviews by Cyril Simsa
In the Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman -
Josef Nesvadba
Book Reviews by David Wingrove
War in 2080: The Future of Military Technology -
David Langford
This World and Nearer Ones: Essays Exploring the Familiar -
Brian W. Aldiss
Book Reviews by Chris Morgan
Our Lady of Darkness -
Fritz Leiber
The White Dragon -
Anne McCaffrey
Book Reviews by Chris Evans
The Genocides -
Thomas M. Disch
The Prisoner -
Thomas M. Disch
If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.