August, 2019

DatePost TitleAuthorWorkSeries
Fri Aug 2: Jo Walton's Reading List: July 2019 [Post] [Reading List]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Jordanna Max Brodsky's The Wolf in the Whale (2019) [Post] [Jordanna Max Brodsky] [The Wolf in the Whale] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: William Alexander's Nomad (2015) [Post] [William Alexander] [Nomad] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Tacitus's The Histories ( 110) [Post] [Tacitus] [The Histories] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Donna Leon's The Waters of Eternal Youth (2016) [Post] [Donna Leon] [The Waters of Eternal Youth] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Nevil Shute's The Rainbow and the Rose (1958) [Post] [Nevil Shute] [The Rainbow and the Rose] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Ann Aguirre's Like Never and Always (2018) [Post] [Ann Aguirre] [Like Never and Always] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Rabindranath Tagore's Stories From Tagore (1918) [Post] [Rabindranath Tagore] [Stories From Tagore] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Ciro Camilli's The Secret Ingredient (2019) [Post] [Ciro Camilli] [The Secret Ingredient] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Robert Darnton's Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment in France (1968) [Post] [Robert Darnton] [Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment in France] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Pamela Brown's Blue Door Venture (1949) [Post] [Pamela Brown] [Blue Door Venture] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: John McCormick's Reading Machiavelli: Scandalous Books, Suspect Engagements, and the Virtue of Populist Politics (2018) [Post] [John McCormick] [Reading Machiavelli: Scandalous Books, Suspect Engagements, and the Virtue of Populist Politics] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Francis Bacon's Harvard Classics: Essays of Francis Bacon (1909) [Post] [Francis Bacon] [Harvard Classics: Essays of Francis Bacon] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Rosamund Pilcher's September (1990) [Post] [Rosamund Pilcher] [September] [RLE]
Fri Aug 2: RL Entry: Peter S. Beagle's The New Voices in Fantasy (2017) (edited by) [Post] [Peter S. Beagle] [The New Voices in Fantasy] [RLE]

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.