June, 2020

DatePost TitleAuthorWorkSeries
Fri Jun 5: Jo Walton's Reading List: May 2020 [Post] [Reading List]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: Susan Howatch's Glittering Images (1987) [Post] [Susan Howatch] [Glittering Images] [RLE]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: Gail Godwin's Old Lovegood Girls (2020) [Post] [Gail Godwin] [Old Lovegood Girls] [RLE]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids (1951) [Post] [John Wyndham] [The Day of the Triffids] [RLE]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: Tanith Lee's The Silver Metal Lover (1981) [Post] [Tanith Lee] [The Silver Metal Lover] [RLE]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: Donna Leon's Trace Elements (2020) [Post] [Donna Leon] [Trace Elements] [RLE]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: O. Douglas's Penny Plain (1920) [Post] [O. Douglas] [Penny Plain] [RLE]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: T.A. Williams's Dreaming of Florence (2017) [Post] [T.A. Williams] [Dreaming of Florence] [RLE]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: Jill Paton Walsh's Fireweed (1969) [Post] [Jill Paton Walsh] [Fireweed] [RLE]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: Tilly Tennant's Rome Is Where the Heart Is (2019) [Post] [Tilly Tennant] [Rome Is Where the Heart Is] [RLE]
Fri Jun 5: RL Entry: Laurie J. Marks's Fire Logic (2002) [Post] [Laurie J. Marks] [Fire Logic] [RLE]

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, then please mail Michael J. Cross.