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  James Branch Cabell                       Pat Cadigan
  Martin Caidin                             Moyra Caldecott
  Nigel Calder                              Richard Calder
  Ernest Callenbach                         David Callinan
  Ros Calverley                             Italo Calvino
  Thomas Campanella                         John W. Campbell, Jr
  Alan Campbell                             Christopher Campbell
  Duncan Campbell                           John Ramsey Campbell
  John W. Campbell                          Joseph Campbell
  Paul Campbell                             Ramsey Campbell
  Ronald Campbell-Butler                    Canavan, A. P.
  A. P. Canavan                             Trudi Canavan
  Grant Canfield                            Stephen J. Cannell
  Mark Canter                               Karel Capek
  Bernard Capes                             Michael Capobianco
  Orson Scott Card                          Diane Carey
  Jacqueline Carey                          Mike Carey
  Clancy Carlile                            Bill Carlin
  Mike Carlin                               Johann Carlisle
  Chris Carlsen                             Isabelle Carmody
  Isobelle Carmody                          Jane Carnall
  Chris Carne                               E. J. Carnell
  John Carnell                              Humphrey Carpenter
  Richard Carpenter                         Jayge Carr
  Terry Carr                                Emmauel Carrere
  Steve Carrigan                            Gail Carriger
  Richard Carrington                        Jonathan Carroll
  Michael Carroll                           Mike Carroll
  David Carson                              Angela Carter
  Bruce Carter                              Carmen Carter
  Chris Carter                              Lin Carter
  Rob Carter                                Robert Carter
  Robert M. H. Carter                       Stuart Carter
  Tonya R. Carter                           Andrew Cartmel
  Marla Cartwright                          Jeffrey Carver
  Jeffrey A. Carver                         Andrew Cary
  Catie Cary                                Jay Caselberg
  Alan Cash                                 Steve Cash
  Kristin Cashore                           Carlos Cassaba
  John Cassady                              Cassandra Science Fiction Workshop
  Michael Cassutt                           Jeanne Cavelos
  Jim Cawthorn                              Jim Cawthorne
  CDLP                                      Vaclav Cechura
  Mark Chadbourn                            Mark Chadbourne
  Sarwat Chadda                             Philip George Chadwick
  Gary Chalk                                Jack Chalker
  Jack L. Chalker                           John Challoner
  Garet Chalmers                            Malcolm Chalmers
  Margaret S. Chalmers                      Ann Chamberlin
  Russell Chambers                          Joel Champetier
  A. Bertram Chandler                       Adrian Chandler
  Joy Chant                                 Parry A. Chapdelaine
  Andrew Chapman                            J. G. Chapman
  John Chapman                              Stepan Chapman
  Vera Chapman                              Louis Charbonneau
  Robert N. Charette                        H. Charing
  Bob Charlesworth                          Suzy McKee Charnas
  Graham Charnock                           Pat Charnock
  Robert N. Charrette                       Robert David Chase
  Cy Chauvin                                Nick Cheeseman
  Nick Cheesman                             Anthony Cheetham
  Matthew Cheney                            B. A. Chepaitis
  Brigid Cherry                             C. J. Cherryh
  George C. Chesbro                         Ellen Cheshire
  Ken Cheslin                               Grace Chetwin
  R. Chetwynd-Hayes                         Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes
  Ted Chiang                                Noel Chidwick
  Noel E. Chidwick                          Simon Ian Childer
  Mike Chinn                                Peter Chippindale
  Bryan Cholfin                             Gabe Chouinard
  Marcus Chown                              Ravan Christchild
  Charles Christian                         Deborah Christian
  F. Christian                              Sue Christian
  Mike Christie                             F. Christin
  P. Christin                               John Christopher
  Sam Chupp                                 Frances Church
  James Churchward                          Scott Ciencin
  Chris Claremont                           Karen Clark
  Kevin Clark                               Nigel Clark
  Simon Clark                               A. Vincent Clarke
  Arthur C. Clarke                          Fred Clarke
  I. F. Clarke                              Joy K. Clarke
  Kevin Clarke                              Lindsay Clarke
  Martin Clarke                             Nic Clarke
  Nicola Clarke                             Phil Clarke
  Robert Clarke                             Simon Clarke
  Sir Arthur C. Clarke                      Susanna Clarke
  Susannah Clarke                           Vince Clarke
  Vincent Clarke                            Kevin Clay
  Stanley Clear                             Douglas Clegg
  James Clemens                             Hal Clement
  Les Clewlow                               Mark Clifton
  Murray Close                              Brenda W. Clough
  John Clute                                J. MacLaren Cobben
  Jennifer Cobbing                          Dave Cobbledick
  David Cobbledick                          Michael Cobley
  Michael R. A. Cobley                      Mike Cobley
  Anthony Coburn                            Joseph Cochran
  Molly Cochran                             Steve Cockayne
  Paul F. Cockburn                          Brett Cockrell
  Ken Cocks                                 Franklin Coen
  Ronan Coghlan                             Cathleen Cogswell
  Theodore Cogswell                         Jack Cohen
  Lon S. Cohen                              Peter Cohen
  Sherry Coldsmith                          Adrian Cole
  Allan Cole                                Stephen Cole
  Peter Coleborn                            Jonathan Coleclough
  Leslie Coles                              John Collick
  Ann Collier                               Michael Collier
  Bryan S. Collins                          Dave Collins
  Hunt Collins                              Nancy Collins
  Nancy A. Collins                          Peter Collins
  Phil Collins                              Philip Collins
  Robert A. Collins                         Suzanne Collins
  Bruce Colville                            Jacqueline Y. Comben
  Edward Comma                              The Brandt Commission
  D. G. Compton                             David Compton
  Don Concord                               Michael Coney
  Michael G. Coney                          Mike Coney
  Groff Conklin                             Michael Conner
  John Connolly                             Chuck Connor
  John Connor                               John A. Connor
  John Connors                              John F. Connors
  Mark Connorton                            Robert Conquest
  Joseph Conrad                             John Constantine
  Storm Constantine                         William G. Contento
  Josh Conviser                             David Conway
  Alan K. Coogan                            Adrian Cook
  Alison Cook                               Chris Cook
  David Cook                                Glen Cook
  Hugh Cook                                 Paul Cook
  Robin Cook                                Sebastian Cook
  Catherine Cooke                           Eaianne Cooke
  John Peyton Cooke                         Tom Cool
  Gene L. Coon                              Otto Coontz
  Henry Cooper, Jr                          Colin Cooper
  Edmund Cooper                             Fiona Cooper
  Louise Cooper                             Sonni Cooper
  Susan Cooper                              David Copping
  W. J. Corbett                             Adam Corby
  Conor Corderoy                            James Corley
  Robert Cormier                            Paul Cornell
  Mary Corran                               Samantha Corvin
  Gian Paolo Cossato                        John Costello
  Matthew J. Costello                       Sean Costello
  Del Cotter                                Donald Cotton
  Richard Cotton                            Robert Coulson
  Deirdre Counihan                          Elizabeth Counihan
  Liz Counihan                              June Counsel
  Stephen Couper                            G. Courtenay
  Bob Covington                             Denys Cowan
  Mat Coward                                Albert E. Cowdrey
  Geoff Cowie                               Jonathan Cowie
  Kim Cowie                                 Robert Cowley
  Richard Cowper                            Steve Cowperthwaite
  Andy Cox                                  Brian Cox
  Cardinal Cox                              Greg Cox
  Joan Cox                                  Michael Cox
  Brian Craig                               Joe Craig
  John Cramer                               Kathryn Cramer
  Jeremy Crampton                           Melissa Crandall
  Ned Crawford                              Oliver Crawford
  Pam Creais                                Michael Crichton
  G. Garfield Crimmins                      A. C. Crispin
  Edmund Crispin                            Alastair Crompton
  John Crompton                             Terry Crooks
  Janice C. Crosby                          Michael J. Cross
  Mick Cross                                Mike Cross
  Robert Crossley                           Nigel Envarli Crowe
  John Crowley                              Peter Crowther
  Andrew Crumey                             Pete Crump
  Istvan Csicsery-Ronay                     Myrna Culbreath
  Kevin Cullen                              Kevin A. Cullen
  Seamus Cullen                             Tony Cullen
  B. S. Cullum                              Benedict S. Cullum
  A. E. Cunningham                          David Curl
  Robert Curley                             Edwina Currie
  Chris Curry                               Patrick Curry
  John Curtis                               Philippe Curval
  Clive Cussler                             C. J. Cutliffe-Hyne
  Catherine Lucy Czerkawska               

If you have any comments on, or corrections to, the information on this page, then please mail Michael J. Cross.
This page generated by HTREFORM on Sunday 27-Mar-2011.